J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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VIP Professional
Yes. The F-35 is indeed a tough cookie to beat if all claims are true. I have difficulty trying to understand why people keep hammering on the F-35, was it simply because that aircraft's development was getting higher and higher by the days. True we have been seeing some problems surfacing recently or even throughout development, but I like I said before... and I would say again, it is always better that problems surfaced during the development stage... even at early production stage. It would be a shame if everything is that clean on paper, but when a real battle happen and problems surfaced then...

As a tax payer, I believe the government should adequately fund the military forces, but not write blank checks. The defense industry is kept in business by our tax dollars, and they should be held accountable for keeping projects on-time, on-target, and on-budget. Some necessary scope creep and budget increases are expected, but not to the degree that we've observed. The government itself should also be held accountable for making project goals a moving target.

In private industry, if a Project Manager "forgot" to include $28 billion estimate for spare parts, what would the director or VP say to him/her? I'm not privy to classified information, but from my armchair's view, it seems that the government just writes another blank check. Worse, certain foreign government(s) simply exclude operating costs to make the sales pitch, then leave it up to someone else to magically conjure up another $10 billion later.

If the military systems ever become so excessively expensive and un-affordable, then competing nation-states should probably sit down and discuss how they can agree to disagree and start capping defense expenditures.
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As a tax payer, I believe the government should adequately fund the military forces, but not write blank checks. The defense industry is kept in business by our tax dollars, and they should be held accountable for keeping projects on-time, on-target, and on-budget. Some necessary scope creep and budget increases are expected, but not to the degree that we've observed. The government itself should also be held accountable for making project goals a moving target.

In private industry, if a Project Manager "forgot" to include $28 billion estimate for spare parts, what would the director or VP say to him/her? I'm not privy to classified information, but from my armchair's view, it seems that the government just writes another blank check. Worse, certain foreign government(s) simply exclude operating costs to make the sales pitch, then leave it up to someone else to magically conjure up another $10 billion later.

If the military systems ever become so excessively expensive and un-affordable, then competing nation-states should probably sit down and discuss how they can agree to disagree and start capping defense expenditures.
As they did in the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty for naval waepons.
But can you imaging the Pentagon agreeing to spending no more than double the amount of the next heaviest spender?
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I'm not sure what to think of this:

View attachment 7467

:confused: ;)

Simple, Willy Wonka's magic ticket to the Yianliang Candy Factory, er, I mean fighter factory, I'd buy it, I think you get a chance to be the J-31 factory test pilot, warning [must be highly proficient on Flight Sim X- accelleration pak, and able to roll do the dirty roll on take-off, below 300 ft without hitting the ground,] we better start practicing. AFB
Simple, Willy Wonka's magic ticket to the Yianliang Candy Factory, er, I mean fighter factory, I'd buy it, I think you get a chance to be the J-31 factory test pilot, warning [must be highly proficient on Flight Sim X- accelleration pak, and able to roll do the dirty roll on take-off, below 300 ft without hitting the ground,] we better start practicing. AFB

Did you eat the chocolate?
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