J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Stealth fighter does not have to big. My p.o. is that it matters what use it has. The Japanese probably do not want to go deep inside China but stay above Japan to intercept incoming aircraft. China surely wants range. Nt only because it is huge but because it needs the range even beyond Japan to stop USA or others.

Two words: internal weaponsbay.


Just A Photo, Mr. Mig-29 please don't make too much from it!



Banned Idiot
Just A Photo, Mr. Mig-29 please don't make too much from it!


Looks like the canard can move now even further. Maybe application of brake last moments of landing?

PLAwolf. Japan is where the Chinese will fly to... You do not have to have huge range cause you just fly around and refuel. The opponent will come to you. And their back will be covered by USA.

This is the same reason that J31 suits Pakistan a lot better then J20.


Lieutenant General
PLAwolf. Japan is where the Chinese will fly to... You do not have to have huge range cause you just fly around and refuel. The opponent will come to you. And their back will be covered by USA.

If there is a war and Japan is wait till the PLAAF overfly the Japanese coast before they engage, then they have already as good as lost the war. Because the PLAAF is not going to be relying on iron bombs and rocket pods, but cruise missiles and other stand off munitions. If your air force does not have the legs to try and intercept the strikers before they can fire stand-off weapons, your air force and air defense will be largely destroyed on the ground before the PLAAF come close enough for short ranged fighters to have any chance to try and intercept them.

Relying on tankers is a sub-optimal solution, especially with the likes of the J20 on the horizon, who will eat those tankers for breakfast with minimal risk, and expecting the US to come and fight all their battles is plain dumb, why even bother spending any money on a military at all if that is the mentality?

This is the same reason that J31 suits Pakistan a lot better then J20.

Well lucky for Pakistan then, since the J20 won't be available for export to anyone. Not even Pakistan.


From the photo posted by A.Man, at the root of the canard, somebody suggested that the yellow thing implies J-20's airframe is made of non-steel materials. What do you think?


Looks like the canard can move now even further. Maybe application of brake last moments of landing?

All moving canard always maintain small angle-of-attack with respects to incoming air stream. So, if the aircraft is flying with 90° angle-of-attack, the canard would deflect at -90°. Application of the canard as an air brake is pretty much impossible.


Lieutenant General
All moving canard always maintain small angle-of-attack with respects to incoming air stream. So, if the aircraft is flying with 90° angle-of-attack, the canard would deflect at -90°. Application of the canard as an air brake is pretty much impossible.

Should note that only applies when the plane is in the air, when on the ground, it is certainly possible to use the canards as a makeshift air brake in a similar fashion as the Gripen. But since all PLAAF fighters use brakechutes, there is no need to resort to such a measure, especially as it will likely lead to increased structural fatigue on the canards and support structures.


Junior Member
to be honest, that thing looked like cost less than 20 yuan to make. It's a colossal rip-off. the only one who would buy it for the price would either be super-rich or, what's the phrase, J-20-crazied.

the only one who would buy it for the price would either be super-rich or, what's the phrase, J-20-crazied.

David why are you repeating stuff off the first page? You're doing exactly what Ri27chard was doing--repeating old posts. Are you going to start inserting malware into your posts too?


From the photo posted by A.Man, at the root of the canard, somebody suggested that the yellow thing implies J-20's airframe is made of non-steel materials. What do you think?

That's probable. It's nigh impossible to make a large airframe lighter without avoiding steel. My guess is that the J-20 will be like the F-22 and PAK-FA, with a titanium frame and mostly composite exterior.

Should note that only applies when the plane is in the air, when on the ground, it is certainly possible to use the canards as a makeshift air brake in a similar fashion as the Gripen. But since all PLAAF fighters use brakechutes, there is no need to resort to such a measure, especially as it will likely lead to increased structural fatigue on the canards and support structures.
Could still be a last resort/redundant option though.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
All moving canard always maintain small angle-of-attack with respects to incoming air stream. So, if the aircraft is flying with 90° angle-of-attack, the canard would deflect at -90°. Application of the canard as an air brake is pretty much impossible.

However, many aircraft use a squat switch to trigger aerodynamic braking as soon as the mains are on, what that does is kill lift in addition to aerodynamic braking so that your brakes are less likely to skid or lock because the full weight of the aircraft is transferred from the wings to the landing gear, I believe that someone has mentioned Titanium welded main frame to create a stonger structure, and those canards deflecting 90 degrees will "KILL" lift, right now. To deflect them in flight wouldn't seem to be bright at all, and as the Eng says the are always providing lift. So while you have the drogue chute all is well, but if for some reason your sortie rate were to go up, they might not always be available? Any time it is slick, that could be beneficial, but as the Eng says, Dr. Songs real concern was post stall very high alpha manuevering, and recovery from the same, hence the all flying distant coupled canards?
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