They probably protest it because in the context of the debates over the J-20's role thus far, most of the time it's described as an interceptor, it's implied by those who use that description that's all it can do, not something it can *also* do.
Well in the West, the most singularly important defensive role, is to "intercept" offensive fighters or bombers and keep them from "penetrating" your airspace. If you watch "Top-gun" that is the purpose of Top=Cap, fly out and "intercept the bad boys", before they are able to launch any weapons, that's why we keep the F-22 on each coast, is it the best at Air to Air Combat??? can it also release Air to Ground munitions????, does it also function as an AWACs????? Dr. Song makes it very clear in his treatise, that the J-20 "must" come up to that same standard, even though he acknowledges that the engines are a possible obstacle, he demands that the J-20 will be capable of meeting the F-22 close in and engaging as an "equal",,,,, is the J-20 up to that standard????? So lets agree that each of these roles is an important facet of the .mission of this aircraft.
Now, could somebody please find us some pretty pictures???? and would somebody CG me a J-20 in all-over white with recognition orange trim, I need a new screen saver....brat