J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread IV (Closed to posting)

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Banned Idiot
At this stage of the game, I highly doubt their are 11, so that leaves us with renumbering, this new theory of 2011, or being where we left off, this is somewhat maddening, so I guess we wait! patiently! arrrgh!

I actually think it's really exciting, this theory suggests that the J-20 airframe has passed most of the tests and changes were made to the airframe to compensate for the tests that it failed. This means that the J-20 can now go on to integrated system tests. If we are lucky, we may see a weapons test this year!

On a related note, the experts on Chinese TV programs who are usually very conservative about the J-20's capabilities are now saying that the J-20 with AL-31F may go into limited production in 2015 and handed over to the PLA testing centers. The reason for the increased speed, they agree to be increased tensions in the ECS and SCS.


Banned Idiot
Here are some photos I dredged up years ago. I'm sure many of you have seen these, but I'd just like to re-post them to pass the time whilst we wait for fresh '2011' eye candy to oggle at.

Possible J-20 cockpit (image from almost five years back)

Or might they opt for a F-35 style large single MFD such as these?


Maybe they went with Google Glass instead .. :p


Lieutenant General
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January 11 ... even later than 11:11 h local time and still nothing from '2011' :(:(:(:(

Deino :mad:


With regards to the numbering of the J-20 prototypes: some have postulated that with the latest appearance of No. 2011, that there are now 11 prototypes built. Either that, or they are re-numbered. Both of which are most likely false.

The 2001/2002 belong to the 00 batch, whereas the 2011 belongs to 01 batch. The 00 batch being basically flying laboratories, and the 01 being more of a complete airplane.

This suggested that it is unlikely for us to see the long speculated 2003, because either A) it never existed, or B) the program has moved on from that stage.

This makes sense. I recall reading somewhere that J-20 was following a spiral development model. So batch 200X could be spiral one and batch 201X spiral two and so on.
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January 11 ... even later than 11:11 h local time and still nothing from '2011' :(:(:(:(

Deino :mad:

Well, isn't the lunar new year coming up on 1/31/2014? They could be reserving a special gift for that occasion. More brownie points can be scored that way.


Lieutenant General
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Yes, ... but first of all I have to patience any more and it surely would be a nice 3. birthday anniversary !

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
3rd prototype should be a big step up in the J-20 programme

Many lessons they have learned from the first two should be inco operated into the third unit

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Yes, ... but first of all I have to patience any more and it surely would be a nice 3. birthday anniversary !

Well maybe if Chengdu reads some of your great articles on the J-15, they will invite you in for a factory tour, and give you a cockpit check, and take you up for some air to air photos, then let you do the "reveal on 2003" or "2011". I'm sure there is some Chinese proverb touting the virtue of patience, and you've probably been more patient than any other Aviation Journalist??? How bout it Chengdu, we think Deino deserves a first person, hands on access, maybe an interview with Dr. Song?????, and a few air to air shots of the J-20, great PR, and an honest first tell of the Chengdu J-20, a great way to sell this aircraft, and inform her fans.....she would look great on the cover of Air Combat???? hope I didn't get the magazine name wrong, I really did enjoy your last article on the J-15.
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