yes it appears that would be the case when we match the tail section line drawing comparisons with ladioussupp's image comparing the supposedly modified j-20 to the original.
another thing to note is that not only are the engines more retracted in this purported modification, the wings are also shifted forward in a substantial way. apart from an impact on stealth, perhaps this also balances the plane better in terms of its center of gravity? (the original j-20 has always looked a bit tail heavy to me)
i still have my money on these drawings being credible just because i can't imagine fanboys or civilian speculators making producing such pictures. they are not sensationalistic enough.
In the above drawing with the green background, it looks like they just attached f-22 wings to J-20. I do not buy it.
yes it appears that would be the case when we match the tail section line drawing comparisons with ladioussupp's image comparing the supposedly modified j-20 to the original.
another thing to note is that not only are the engines more retracted in this purported modification, the wings are also shifted forward in a substantial way. apart from an impact on stealth, perhaps this also balances the plane better in terms of its center of gravity? (the original j-20 has always looked a bit tail heavy to me)Umh huh! very observant, and all the more reason for the brat to call bogus, if you will refer back to earlier posts, in particular the videos of the J-20 flying, especially the aileron rolls, I pointed out how well the J-20 flys. Also noted is the forward fuselage as a lifting body, it generates a considerable amount of lift, illustrated quite well by the downward deflection of the canards, in what is likely a standard rate turn plus a little extra bank angle of from 45 to 60 degrees. At 60 degrees of bank, the J-20 is pulling 2gs, but I would remind all that Dr. Song himself referred to the J-20s FCS as quite complicated.
Further if the CG were to far aft, it would take an exaggerated aft deflection of the stick with a corresponding large deflection of the canards to "unstick" the aircraft at rotation, it does not in practice, in fact the J-20 lifts off "smartly", and there is NO bobble on rotation as it becomes airborne, which would be evident if it required a large deflection to unstick it on take off. Nice catch on the wing though, that seals it for me that it is just Fan-boy art.
Eng, I would love to hear your thoughts on this, I may be all wet, but I personally think the airplane is very well designed as is, I can't see them monkeying with the main wing placement at this time??? brat
Here's the complete drawing of the revised / new / second block J-20 ... maybe J-20A ?!