I don't think a full scale prototype was built until the design is selected. Of coure they would have stuff like wind tunnel data, models of the plane and exhibition of aircraft subsystems.
-601 sent 15 reports and 14 presentation script on 18 august.
-on august 23rd 601 did a whole day report to experts in beijing, including
videos, the overview report and 13 other reports.
-611 did their reports on 24th august
On 29th august experts went to Shenyang, visited laboratories on 30th, displays on the design, listened to their reports. They compared canard and conventional designs as well as caret and dsi designs.
Shenyang's design was a Su-47 sized triplane design that tried to compensate for maneuverability with extra control surfaces which complicated the flight control quite a bit. Coupled with the shortcoming of Chinese engines, it is no surprise that it failed to get selected.