but why not? isn't that the entire reason why we even have a robust aviation industry? to always push the envelop of flight? As some have said the reason why canards were not use was possibly be due to lack of computational abilities such as calculating complex algorithms etc but that hurdle has since been conquered with the advent of powerful processors today.
If the argument is canards offer much better aerodynamics (assuming it is done right) then therotically ALL aircraft that needs superior aerodynamics SHOULD have canards in the future.
Not saying that is what I think should or will happen but just playing devil's advocate so we can academically discuss it.
Canards are simply another means of pitch control, there are compelling reasons to stick with the central mounted main wing and the aft mounted stabilator, it is lighter structurally, and much simpler to manage the FCS. To characterise the debate,,,,,,, lets just say blonde, brunette, or redhead, it is simply a choice, and in the US the old KISS principle applies in engineering.... my own thinking is with the main wing centrally located, or possibly slightly forward, you have the adavantage of mass centralisation, external stores carried on the main wing as well a fuel tanked in the wing, minimise center of gravity changes as the stores are released and fuel burned.....Now Boeing may well have another opinion, or they may be playin around, who really knows....I would hate to have my aeros so complicated that my FCS was a stretch, but I would say to wait and see how the J-20 actually performs in the real world, then we might know a little more?? Brat