J-10 Thread IV


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New as in - a second hand J10C being given to a unit never before operating the type?
Or new as in - newly built J10C?

Which plane type did 130th Brigade operate before J10C came?

Sorry, new in the meaning of a "new not previously seen serial number" indeed from the 130th AB, which previously operated J-10A/AS.
These J-10C are IMO Batch 02 aircraft within the cn's of the 131st so that IMO they are in fact the same ... and so the 131st is most likely currently under conversion to something else!

J-10A 74315 - 130. Brig.jpg


Registered Member
Egypt is deep in debt including to the IMF. It is highly unlikely they will buy non-Western aircraft. The FC-31 is also still not available for purchase on the wider market.

If China for whatever reason starts selling its aircraft worldwide it will also be hit with CAATSA sanctions similar to Russia. The US will threaten any countries buying Chinese weapons from access to international banking using SWIFT.


"the engineer"
Egypt is deep in debt including to the IMF. It is highly unlikely they will buy non-Western aircraft. The FC-31 is also still not available for purchase on the wider market.

If China for whatever reason starts selling its aircraft worldwide it will also be hit with CAATSA sanctions similar to Russia. The US will threaten any countries buying Chinese weapons from access to international banking using SWIFT.
Isn't that a good thing? Death of swift can't come fast enough, it will kill the reserve currency even faster.


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Egypt has F-16/Rafale but the pain point is that they don’t have advanced medium range missiles to match. Maybe this is why they are looking at J-10C.
Egypt also has defense relationship with China from the past. Getting a pretty much unrestricted batch or two of J-10C would be pretty cool for them. But like Gelgoog says, US has been very harsh on them in the past for exploring these types of options. If they got J-10C see I'd be surprised, if they got FC-31 I'd be shocked.


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Some do not understand that it is beneficial for Egypt to buy Chinese fighters simply because the purchase will be in the Chinese yuan, far from the dollar. Since last March, Egypt has received investments worth $35 billion from the Emirates and $5 billion in other investments. Simply, the cash reserve was increased. The IMF program. Egypt is taking the star as a certificate of good economic performance, but Egypt has no cash problem at all. China wants to pump huge investments into Egypt to establish an industrial city in Arab Egypt for export to Europe via Egypt to save the cost of transporting goods from Egypt. It is easier than China and will provide Egypt with an annual income of $10 billion. Egypt is a member of BRICS in order to exchange interests. Egypt did not have interests and China and Russia meet the requirements of Egyptian national security. Simply put, Egypt did not accept entering this organization and is directly hostile to America in this file. Egypt is very attractive for investment. It has developed 15 ports and is turning into a global logistics area to exploit its location distinction as well as preferential trade agreements with a number of economic blocs that include 3 billion. Neskah in Europe, South America, the European Union and Africa

Egypt's purchase of Chinese fighters means a quality certificate for it. China benefited from exporting the K-8 aircraft, which prompted many African countries to buy it after Egypt, and China has achieved large exports.
The obstacles to selling Chinese fighters to Egypt, the J-10, are the technical requirements and Egyptian armament.
The FC-31 fighter deal is beneficial to both China and Egypt. Egypt aims to be a center for manufacturing weapons for export to Africa and the Middle East countries.