J-10 Thread IV


Lieutenant General
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Someone identify the unit number, please ....

View attachment 116804

Its in fact the well-known 22-106 faked as if it would wear the new camo from the second batch.


this is a fake

Indeed and it is a more than annoying and IMO stupid habit - even more so since at the PDF there are two "strange members" (I would say idiots) - to re-post all known images in a constant pattern including faked and modified versions of the same image all over again.


A very nice image of a re-engined J-10S.



Someone identify the unit number, please ....

View attachment 116804

Could you please stop indiscriminately sharing content from Pakistan Defence Forum?

Looking at your posting history here, you seem fond of sharing content from PDF, which is a very low quality fanboy forum. By sharing content from PDF, you're actively lowering the quality of SDF, which prides itself on being a professional forum with far higher standards for information dissemination.

In other words, it's highly probable that whatever you find at PDF that you regard as new or interesting or true is actually old news, downright stupid, or completely false.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Based on eyeballing (so you need to take it with a can of salt) J-10S with WS-10 appeared to have better energy recovery than J-11BS during the mock air battle at the Changchun airshow.
That is true but honestly I’m not sure if they’re at the same engine setting during the mock dogfight, seemed to me that the J-11BS engaged afterburner a lot less (take that with a second can of salt, and if possible consult professional personnel on potential sodium overdose while you’re at it)