I do want to ask a question about the J-10, however. Notice that the J-10 isn't fully a classic delta canard fighter. While it lacks the LERXes seen on the J-20 and the Eurofighter AMK, the J-10 has a vertically cranked wing (quasi-"inverted gull") where the inner section of the wing is anhedral but the outside of the wing is flat.
Are there any aerodynamic advantages from this? Does the anhedral wing work as a quasi-LERX? And can we see the anhedral wing on the J-10 as the forerunner of the straight anhedral / dihedral configuration of the J-20?
Are there any aerodynamic advantages from this? Does the anhedral wing work as a quasi-LERX? And can we see the anhedral wing on the J-10 as the forerunner of the straight anhedral / dihedral configuration of the J-20?