Is there some timetable for production of j-10 available? Or at least entry of j10s into service with plaaf? When was that year that no new units were deployed? Is production continued now? Is it still around 24 pieces a year?
I heard XAC has less trouble mass producing the WS-15. so why not use WS-15 for the J-10 and J-11?
Ermm...what? The WS-15 isn't even out of development. Even if it were, it's not as simple as replacing one engine for another. Airframes are designed around different engines which have different dimensions.
In any case, if the production problems with the WS-10A aren't fixed, I doubt WS-15 will necessarily leap frog production problems. After all, production isn't handled by any one company, but a network of supply chains incorporating many different groups and factories.
In your expert opinion then, how many J-10/10A/10S does China have?
I know the WS-15 is running parallel, but it hasn't even finished development yet, whereas the Ws-10A has theoretically already entered production. By the time the WS-15 is ready for production, problems with the Ws-10A's production would already be ironed out.Not necessay WS-10A problem exist then WS-15 can't proceed forward. They are different designs. They are running parallel.
WS-15 is about the same size but more power. Remember, Xian is producing Ws-15 whereas Ws-10A is mostly by shenyang. different groups you know.
WS-15 is apparently the engine for the 5th generation fighter (J-xx), to try to match the F119 engines of the F-22...any data about WS-15? was WS-15 new engine or improve WS-9?
WS-15 may turn out to be improve WS-9 (copy of spey 202 ) .