Hmmm ... IMO the bombs You mention are simply too new but these are LGB's & no sure if really operational ones but this is what I have:
Many thanks, Deino, for this timely response! It reminds me of an old Sneaker bar commercial: Nothing bites Lion! So here is No One Beats Deino!
several trival things:
Those photos ( appear old) are of about 2008 vintage when J-10 was officially out (?), particularly the 1st one - looks even somewhat ANCIENT. Can I roughly say so when quote?
I hope these fotos could do... LGBs are precision bombs anyway. I guess the only thing "the opponents" could say will be " no single flying J-10 with these bombs shows the incapability to launch? " or something like that?
I just realised that it appears very rare to find a clip/photo on J-10
launching a precision bomb, LGBs or NAV SAT-guided, or simplely a photo of flying with them underneath. On the other hand, th US and Eurpean jets doing such photo-ops shooting ammos are everywhere in the web. I am a bit puzzled as one can see photos of LT-2 on JH-7, J-8, etc old jets, why similar photos aren't easily available with J-10, since LT-2 is relatively a very very old bomb indeed?
Any explainations? Or no confirmation whatsoever that these bombs are operational on J-10?