All the spin the Western media isn't stopping the insurrection in the Middle East, and the independent movements in Latin America and other regions. The spin only works on a minority of fanatical people who so dearly want to believe and will not give up the faith.
The spin only somewhat works in Western nations. You have about one-third of white Americans who believe in Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Hannity, then you have about one-third of white Americans who believe in CNN, John Stewart, and Colbert. The last third is somewhere in the middle. Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Middle Eastern Americans, and Asian Americans have mixed opinions about Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, CNN, Stewart, and Colbert, even though they are bombarded with Western media nonstop. Western Europe is dragging its feet over the US government's plans in the Middle East.
You still have Grace Kelly, Princess Diana, Heidi Klum, Obama's mother, and various Western women who reject Western exceptionalism and choose alternatives. Then there are the many Western men who choose to work in other nations or help other nations.
The US media makes it sound as if the US government's liberation and nation building are succeeding in the Middle East, but it has been a failure according to a large minority of Muslims (possibly most Muslims think the US government's liberation and nation building are disasters and excuses to dominate them). Muslims in Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia also dislike the US government's liberation and nation building. They have lots of protests against the US government, and are constantly working in secrecy against the US government.
The US media also claimed China's economy was MUCH more likely to crash first and crash way before the US economy, but the opposite has been happening.
The Duke University student, Grace Wang (correct name?), revealed she is still young (naive and easily fooled) and she is not the norm. She stated in an interview with US journalists she wanted better conditions for Tibet, but she believed Tibet is a part of China. Meanwhile, most Chinese on the Internet and in the public were much more patriotic and clearly against her moderate approach. The US media purposely focused on one tree and blurred the rest of the forest. They can ignore the coming hurricane, but this doesn't make the hurricane disappear.
Spinning or propaganda is effective, but it's obviously not a silver bullet to all problems.
No matter how the US media spins the hypothetical US government's massive or critical attack on China's Three Gorges Dam, things will get nasty. The US media already has problems spinning the Middle East, weakening grip in Latin America (while China is expanding various relations with various Latin American nations), bad relations with Russia, weakening control over Western Europe, South Korea, and Japan, and unreliable relations in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. The US media and its supporters will lose a lot if they spin to their favor an all-out war with China.
The US media and its supporters have been turning into a dinosaur (see Michael Crichton's "Mediasaurus") ever since the end of the Cold War. It's big and powerful with lots of government support, but it's struggling very hard to adapt to a changing world.