Why are you being so sensitive? I'm merely applying your logic here: in the process of building a city, thousands upon thousands of trees were cut down, and dozen of marshlands were filled. If you consider such level of environment damage can be rectified by modernizing the city (ie. making it greener by planting a few trees), then I have a hard time seeing why you make such a fuzz over the Three Gorges Dam, especially when we consider the fact that hydroelectric is a form of clean energy.( Shaking my head in Wonderment) For Christ sake man,you need to read all the posts since you last visited so you dont go off half cocked all the time. If you had done so , you will notice another poster had ignored the mods request and raised a point from the banned area of discussion You didnt appear to have a problem with that remark then, so why are you getting your knickers in a twist about it now now? By the way deliberately taking things out of context and being sarcastic, isnt being overly constructive.
Huh? I'm the one who suggested the dam is doing more harms than good? So you are saying you are not suggesting the dam to be taken down due to your perceived harms being done by the dam, but are merely saying so to spite other members of this forum?Can you care to enlighten us
You re the only one so far, thats pointed out the dams doing more harm than good so what are your suggestions.
May I suggest you read posts 2-11 before framing your answer
Yep. Hence every time I see people acting like they are protecting the interests of others, I have to raise an eyebrow.Its pretty much a fact that everyone acts out of self interest
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