man overbored
Junior Member
"RAM calculated by itself within milliseconds? ----now that's a bit carried away. You are assuming a full set of computer on the small SeaRAM to do the mathmatical calculation. and then able readjust your fly pattern. Didn't man overbored says SeaRAm cannot adjust speed and direction. For CIWS 's its reaction is 6 seconds, S-300 20 seconds. from getting data to calculation prediction to launching missile.
where on earth you getting SeaRAM calculated for a firing solution within miliseconds? definitely give me some references and link pls."
RAM flies to it's target using proportional navigation. Ring lazer gyros provide the attitude reference necessary for the seeker since the missle body is rolling in flight, just like Stinger and it's predecessor Redeye. You can find lots of good explanations of proportional navigation on line, just look around. RAM and all the other similar IR missiles using proportional navigation are analog systems. Their guidance systems make continuous rather than discrete course corrections. It does this by maintaining a constant angularity between the gyro mounted optics that hold the seeker element and the target. If as the open source literature maintains that RAM shares the more complex seeker from Stinger, which makes sense since it has to pick it's target out of surface clutter. Imaging IR missiles, those with a staring planar array such as AIM-9X and Python 5 among others have on board computers that are unbelievably powerful. They actually memorize the pixel shape of the object the pilot locks on and ignor countermeasures.
One point I agree with, making hard turns with these fast missiles is difficult. The materials used on the steerable surfaces, whether a canard or rear wing, are very special. Aluminum and most steels would just fold flat on the first turn! Companies have literally gone bankrupt trying to make missile canards to US Navy specs.
Solid fuel rockets are more than sufficient to accelerate to and sustain a missile at overt Mach 5. Phoenix exceeded mach 5. It was a very big missile too.
Something I have to remind all of you, these intercepts are over in two or three seconds. Most anti-aircraft missiles have a flight time measured in less than ten seconds, and things like IR missiles that can only "see" out to maybe ten miles have at most a two to three second flight time. There isn't anything resembling a dog fight between the missile and RAM, it is over in a blink.
Read down in this link to the paragraph labeled "Description" which talks about the seeker.
It's amazing the stuff you sign papers not to discuss, only to see the exact material in open sources! Now, dig this....
Amazing what one finds on the internet today. That is a modern IR guidance section.
where on earth you getting SeaRAM calculated for a firing solution within miliseconds? definitely give me some references and link pls."
RAM flies to it's target using proportional navigation. Ring lazer gyros provide the attitude reference necessary for the seeker since the missle body is rolling in flight, just like Stinger and it's predecessor Redeye. You can find lots of good explanations of proportional navigation on line, just look around. RAM and all the other similar IR missiles using proportional navigation are analog systems. Their guidance systems make continuous rather than discrete course corrections. It does this by maintaining a constant angularity between the gyro mounted optics that hold the seeker element and the target. If as the open source literature maintains that RAM shares the more complex seeker from Stinger, which makes sense since it has to pick it's target out of surface clutter. Imaging IR missiles, those with a staring planar array such as AIM-9X and Python 5 among others have on board computers that are unbelievably powerful. They actually memorize the pixel shape of the object the pilot locks on and ignor countermeasures.
One point I agree with, making hard turns with these fast missiles is difficult. The materials used on the steerable surfaces, whether a canard or rear wing, are very special. Aluminum and most steels would just fold flat on the first turn! Companies have literally gone bankrupt trying to make missile canards to US Navy specs.
Solid fuel rockets are more than sufficient to accelerate to and sustain a missile at overt Mach 5. Phoenix exceeded mach 5. It was a very big missile too.
Something I have to remind all of you, these intercepts are over in two or three seconds. Most anti-aircraft missiles have a flight time measured in less than ten seconds, and things like IR missiles that can only "see" out to maybe ten miles have at most a two to three second flight time. There isn't anything resembling a dog fight between the missile and RAM, it is over in a blink.
Read down in this link to the paragraph labeled "Description" which talks about the seeker.
It's amazing the stuff you sign papers not to discuss, only to see the exact material in open sources! Now, dig this....
Amazing what one finds on the internet today. That is a modern IR guidance section.
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