Okay, so you were not even aware that Type 052C has AESA. Of course there is a huge difference between PESA SPY-1 and Type 052C's AESA. HHQ-9 should be active homing like the future SM-6 not semi-active homing like the current SM-2.
He never said he didn't know 052C had AESA, but the massive boost in capability you imply leads ZTZ99 to say "even if it had AESA" implying the boost in capability isn't as great as you believe.
Yes, we can conjecture what the capabilities of Type 052C by reference to its technology and specifications. You don't like speculation why are you on this internet forum?
Speculation is all well and good but it's irritating when members start throwing numbers around like it's fact. Roger, you have well over a thousand posts, for the casual visitor to this site he or she would be quite mis informed by some of your statements.
I really doubt that. India has no platform to fire the Brahmos. No aircraft, no ships and no submarines. It only has a truck. India has never even tested an anti-shipping Brahmos. It would be 2020 or 2030 years before India is capable of firing 40 Brahmos at the same time.
This is what I mean...
Indian Navy Shivilak and Talwar classes can fire the Brahmos, Rajput class destroyers, the upcoming Kolkata class destroyers... and previous older frigates and destroyers are all being retrofitted to fire the Brahmos.
A single Type 052C can handle that many supersonic ASM, can you imagine how powerful a fleet of Type 052C (and future Type 052D) will be?
Come on let's not turn this into a China vs India thread, espicially as they are BANNED...
And we can't imagine how a fleet (six hardly counts as a fleet btw, which is the projected number right now. And it's not like all six will be operating in one theatre so don't exaggerate the numbers in this hypothetical scenario) of 052Cs would perform when we don't even know the details of how well one can perform (sure we know it has a long ranged SAM, AESA MFR, probable CEC, an advanced combat system, but you can't take away the kind of conclusion that you are getting from only vague tidbits)
Well Type 052C already has the ~200 km range HHQ-9, which is capable of taking out any aircraft carrying the Brahmos ... even though no such platform will exist anytime soon.
Arrgghhashgl; aj...
Anytime soon??? Dude are you serious?
Is 2012 not "anytime soon"? haven't you heard about all the hype on how the IAF Su-30MKIs are getting modified to fire a single Brahmos from beneath their fuselag?? 2012 is the projected time of induction by the IAF...
And Brahmos has a range of 290 km -- with the right guidance a Flanker can fire it without getting into the HHQ-9's range. (And the 200km should be taken with a grain of salt-- previous posters like Crobato has voiced scepticism at that, even though sinodefence.com gives a 200 km slant range. Just don't go around boasting "oh we have SAM of 200 km range oh ho!")
I think we should take this debate back into less platform/weapon/country specific scenarios.
We've had the discussion of supersonic ASM before, and supersonic missiles don't offer any massive benefits to sub sonic ones (despite all the hype surrounding them). Supersonic missiles would have much greater IR trails, a bigger RCS, it won't have a "second chance" shot if it misses due to it's speed, they're big and unwieldy not to mention much more expensive than subsonic missiles...
If we're talking about intercepting them, most modern ciws are able to take out sea skimmers and long range SAMs can take them out before they descend to sea skimming terminal mode. And the IR signature will allow modern IRST systems to easily track and subsequently engage them with ciws.