Engineer, do you just pull this stuff out of the air? I never indicated that the system (the physical system) did not exist. Nor have I ever made an assertion that it could not exist without such testing.
Nope. Your previous posts appeared to be heading in that direction by making implicit arguments asserting the above. They are implicit because you weren't being clear and I have to interpret to fill in the blanks. But since you have now indicated that you know ASBM's existence is a possibility, that's fine. It is good that we have clarified this matter, and this is the most important thing.
It is just not going to be made operational until that testing is carried out successfully.
The system is being worked on...I have never denied that. I simply indicated (ad nausium) that it would not be operational until there was real live, functional, operational type tests of the system doing what they want it to do.
Of course there are tests, just that the tests don't need to meet the demands you proposed: fly nearly full range (3000 km), fly over the ocean, hit a ship. You responded to that by indicating that the system needs to conduct said test, which isn't really a response because it is merely a repetition of what you have asserted initially. And you are right, the rest of your posts essentially repeat just that.
Aside from pointing out alternatives to "real test", I have also pointed to instances where a "real test" is not done, showing that there are exceptions to your assertion, therefore the "real test" you demanded is not necessary. Furthermore, I have indicated reasons why a "real test" might want to be avoided, such as being politically unfeasible and letting others get their hands on critical trajectory data. In light of BMD, allowing others to track the flight trajectory would be an absurd thing to do, thus it is equally absurd to suggest such test should be done.
And come on, when speaking of a program...that includes the system the program is directed at. No "rocket science" in that.
Nope. That is your definition. I view the term slightly differently. Regardless, this is why it is important for clarification.