Senior Member
Yeah, but that's not from any observable events. Where there have been events, 5 interceptors fired at one target would be overkill, and a complete waste of resources.
The observable events are tests against Moskits: 70's era technology -- that's why only 2 are used.
Because Chinese missiles are much more similar to subsonic sea-skimming Harpoons, tests against Harpoons -- which are much harder to intercept (especially in a coordinated salvo) -- can better show how many interceptors are actually needed in a hypothetical China conflict.
Since the Harpoon class of missiles are much more difficult to intercept, I expect 5 or more missiles (more than twice that of the Moskit) need to be launched against each incoming anti-ship missiles to guarantee success.
Sometimes the first hits, sometimes the second hits... but without launching all five, the ship runs a risk of being hit -- that's what guarantee success means.
Sure you can. And the carrier would be even more heavily defended. ESSM is totally suited for this role.
Asking all the escorts to stay within 50 kilometers of the carrier would alter all tactics. The group would suffer a lot of tradeoffs to stay in this "huddled" position.
Simple Mathematical Model:
Consider that SeaRAM has an advertised 95% success rate in tests against single missiles (different varieties of anti-ship missiles flying different profiles), using two SeaRAM's against each incoming.
If only the most advanced anti-ship missiles are used, and they fly only the most hard-to-intercept profiles, I would expect this success rate would drop to 80% or less.
Using this statistic, we can estimate that the probability of each missile being successful is about 55% against the most advanced adversaries (45% chance of failure). This is why two missiles give a probability of about 80% (1 minus [45% to the power of 2]). Then we can estimate that three missiles will give you 91%, four missiles will give you 96% and five missiles will give you 98%.
If the defenders are willing to live with a 96% success rate (four failed intercepts for 100 missiles), then it will need four missiles for each target. If the defenders want a 98% success rate, it will need five missiles for each target.
This means an AB, with about 100 missiles (150 max) will run out of missiles if an attack of about 20-30 advanced anti-ship missiles are launched at it. Impressive, yes. But launching such an attack is certainly within capabilities. If a squadron of 4 is involved, the number of missiles needed is 80 to 120. Even if one of the ships is a Tico and the carrier is carrying some ESSM too, we can estimate that 100 to 150 missiles will be required.
In a hypothetical China conflict, 100 missiles can be carried by a fleet of 17 H-6K's, and 150 missiles can be carried by a fleet of 25.
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