I tell you a story. When I graduated from Highschool, I had a pretty good GPA. around 3.95, I thought about maybe getting into US military, maybe Navy, So I applied. I also applied for normal college. Later I decided to go to normal university, but boy, those Navy recruiter were relentless. They came to my house number of times and explained the benefit joing the US armed forces. They were very aggressive tried to recruit me because my high GPA. I found later most students joined the armed forces had rather mediocre academics track record..That why they were so fanatic into my case.
Those armed service men has some experiences and have been indoctrinated to believe their systems are infallible. But they aren't the one designing the weapons, just operators. They R too gunkho into believing their invincible systems. patriotism at its finest
I also disagree about believing that systems are perfectly infallible, but its also both ends. Sooner or later, even T-rex meets its match and history has always shown what has been perceived as the invincible had also fallen.
Yet I must point out that you don't take this personally. This is a learning process and just because you don't get what you want, it means you don't get what you want. School is about hard knocks, acceptance of hard realities. You will be better in the long run if you accept this.
Looking at the arguments, I would say that "defense" here has strong iron clad arguments on their side. Even if uncertainty exists due to evasive movement, the probabilities are high for the defender's side, since all the computers need to do is cover all moves within the expected flight performance envelope. Even evasion has its limits, and that's with the flight performance envelope of the missile. The big ones like Moskit, would have more trouble than the little ones like Urans, but even then I would say the defenders are also trying to close the gap even on Harpoon class sea skimmers.
I am close to agreeing with Sea Dog here, that in fact, the traditional dominance of the conventional antiship missile, whether its supersonic or subsonic sea skimmer, is seriously threatened.
If you like to know what is in the future, I'm surprised that you don't see the answer staring at you right in the face. Its smaller, with much smaller RCS, much faster, and a ship can carry huge loads of them, 32, 48, 64, or even more right to the low hundred. Compared to 8 AshMs and 16 at best.
That's right, turn the same SAMs used for missile interception to a ship mission killer. They won't sink a ship, but if you get one to hit another ship, it means serious damage with disablement and the ship won't carry out its mission. The future looks to a joint or unified missile that will serve both interceptor and antiship purposes into one.
BTW. There is also no excuse in branding people in one general term because both stupid _and_ smart exists in any military.
This is not acceptable behavior. No matter what, you have to respect people, especially people who have seen service.
NO PERSONAL ATTACKS PLEASE- BIG BROTHER MODS ARE WATCHING YOU. Just some friendly advice. One more time and you are getting an official warning.