We also disagree. The Japanese were as dedicated, if not more, in their fanatacism as the Islamic Jihadists. The result of what happened to them in World War II is clear to see today. They have wholly rejected the fantacism and adopted rational ideologies and governmentala forms.They were afraid, that's why they have and landing gear automatically fallen off after plane take off. Many were forced into the airplane in a way.
If Israel, is willing to take it that far. They would have to destroy entire Gaza strip, cut off all essential supplies, and kill hundreds of thousands people. Yes, the Palestinians will be forced to turn against Hamas. But this only guarantees short term peace, and it could only get rid off Hamas. The suicide attacks and the rocket fire will continue, it would just be organized by small time terrorist groups.
The Palestinians can do the same...and I do not believe it will require Israel to kill hundreds of thosuands of them to get there...though I do believe the bill will be heavy on both sides, just the same.
In the end, I believe long term peace can be obtained (just as it has occurred with the Japanese)...and, sadly, tragically, is not likely to be obtained in any other way, as history has already shown.
But that's just my own opinion.