Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Sounds to me like Israel is having cold feet about a ground operation and will probably end up bombing for some more then call it a day.

Netanyahu is going to have hell of a time explaining this to his fellow zionists.
Only way he would stand down,if true,would be Biden gave him order to do so... in the case maybe US realizes TW/SCS more important to its own existential survival than letting Israel have its way


Registered Member
Sounds to me like Israel is having cold feet about a ground operation and will probably end up bombing for some more then call it a day.

Netanyahu is going to have hell of a time explaining this to his fellow zionists.
Can you trust Brandon? Hell NO!!! he talk one way and then reverse himself the next. Why would Netanyahu allowed himself to be the fall guy if everything goes south.
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Junior Member
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Only way he would stand down,if true,would be Biden gave him order to do so... in the case maybe US realizes TW/SCS more important to its own existential survival than letting Israel have its way
Biden is not in charge. His job is to warm the chair in the Oval Office and rubber stamp whatever comes to his desk. The Zionists have far more control over the US than the "Nationalists."


Registered Member
Only way he would stand down,if true,would be Biden gave him order to do so... in the case maybe US realizes TW/SCS more important to its own existential survival than letting Israel have its way
I saw Wang Yi interview in YT about the conflict and boy he delivered a Coup De Main, nobody anticipate the Chinese to involved themselves BUT that speech hit a nerve among the Global South and also of Israel. Maybe it may have force Netanyahu a rethink as the major powers such as Russia and China had joined forces to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said that that the “historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people” lies at the root of the ...
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Junior Member
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Is this what White Europeans tell themselves so they can sleep better at night?

UN Resolution 43/177 of November 1988 recognised the State of Palestine as a de facto independent state.

The below is a map of UN member nations that passed the above resolution recognising The State of Palestine as an independent Nation State.

View attachment 120082

Notice how it inversely mirrors the common "World" view as put forth by western countries?
Like how the "World" sanctioned Russia when it's really only themselves and the "Real Rest of The World" doesn't give two hoots?

Here's the other thing about the Rule Based International Order
The UN represents the Rule Based International Order, does it not?

The UN recognises Palestine as an Independent State.
Your governments formally support the 2 state solution ... but yet does everything in practice to undermine the 2 state solution, eg. as you so succinctly put it, by not extending de jure recognition of the State of Palestine (even though the Real Rest of The World de facto and de jure recognises Palestine). I guess you guys do this so you can continue to "legally" wash your hands of the problem.

Just like ROC - NOT recognised in UN as an independent state.
Your governments formally support a 1 nation policy ... but yet do everything in their power to treat ROC as an independent state, to the point of supplying arms to it.
Really, what do you think if the Rest of the World should start supplying arms to the Free Danzig and Silesian Independance movements?

Poland and all the other nations in the White part of the world (per the map above) are part of the UN are they not? You subscribe to the Rule Based International Order right? After all you guys coined that term - so either you subscribe to it or ... lets just admit that it's really One rule for me and One rule for thee.

Palestine is a State.
Your failure to recognise it and treat it as such is a reflection of your duplicity.
Nothing more, nothing less.



Just want to add that while the post of mine above might sound hostile, it's not directed at you.

I understand the framework that you outlined re de-facto vs de jure where the legislative constrains the executive.

Just merely offering a counter point looking at it from a different angle of intent and the smoke and mirrors of politics that obfuscate true intent.

End of the day, I value everyone's POV (yours more so due to care given to detailed content).
Without these, this forum becomes an echo chamber.


After US invaded Afghanistan post 911, on the surface they are hunting for Bin Laden but they were also seeking to prevent Russia, China and Iran from banding together. There were over 6000 special operatives and lead men in Afghanistan when they evacuated in 2021.

In fact it is around that time that terrorist attacks started to occur with the highest intensity in Xinjiang, and unrests/colour revolutions started in the countries around Russia. Iran also faced unrests/increased protests. Pompeo removed east turkistan extremist movement from list of terrorist organisations.

But the oversea military base became corrupted/inefficient, being away from central control and oversight for so long, and long periods of counterinsurgency operations have wasted away their original skillset. The Taliban remained undestroyed simply because they have outside support behind them.

It is under this atmosphere that Russian launched a punitive invasion of Georgia. And helped Syria in defeating ISIS and other anti-Assad forces, which we all know who was backing. Iran remained alive due to being in the Shia crescent. Don't forget about stuff like the assassination of Soleimani.

And of course attempts to destabilize/infiltrate Xinjiang failed, with operatives killed or forced to leave they can only use the western media to smear China about genocide/concentration camps etc etc.

Russia sent forces into Syria, and security cooperation framework was added to SCO. Eventually US had to withdraw from Afghanistan, otherwise the Taliban may have 5000 rockets, and who the hell knows where they came from, just like who the hell knows where Hamas' 5000 rockets came from.

After US withdraw from Afghanistan the Taliban went to Beijing and issued statement that they will not allow anyone to use Afghanistan to attack China. This means 1. who is my big brother 2. Big brother I am good not like the previous one I replaced.

2021-02-02 news: China deployed type-15 light tank to Xinjiang. This tank is good for mountainous terrain.

2021-08-18 news: China deployed J-20 to Xinjiang. No they were not for India, India don't need something this good.

2021-08-30 US completes withdraw from Afghanistan.

2022 August Pelosi visited Taiwan. China did not take the bait.

And then Iran reached peace deal with Saudi Arabia early 2023

And then Assad visited China.

Which bring us to now.

Taiwan was China's balls. But everyone has balls.

You can take a squeeze.

So can I.


I'm looking forward to the unveiling of H-20. It should be close now. It is something that may change balance in the Middle East significantly.

War in Ukraine started, they moved Israeli stockpile. Conflict in Israel, they moved South Korean stockpile. I wonder where is the next flash point :p . Russia also got North Korean stockpile. maybe that is a feint? North Korean is next to China after all. They can be resupplied fairly fast and cheaply. If conflict starts China is bounded by treaty to defend North Korea, but they might not need to get involved directly, just supply dear leader with what he need and then some more.
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The article didn't provide a copy of the internal email in question but if true...o_O I get the feeling the UK establishment is still fuming that Wallace didn't get the top job in NATO.

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As Israel escalates its attacks on Gaza, the State Department is discouraging diplomats working on Middle East issues from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence, according to internal emails viewed by HuffPost.

In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm.”
The emails were sent hours after Israel told more than 1.1 million residents of northern Gaza that they should leave their homes and shelters ahead of an expected ground invasion of the region.


Registered Member
Sounds to me like Israel is having cold feet about a ground operation and will probably end up bombing for some more then call it a day.

Netanyahu is going to have hell of a time explaining this to his fellow zionists.
Improbable. It'll break the whole deterrence of IDF. Especially because of the nature of the recent attack - where Hamas didn't just carry a raid, it, however briefly, took control over territory with a noticeable part of Israeli population - with probably no more than a ~1.5k worth of proper operatives (others basically were mobs) - whom they apparently didn't even have to sacrifice.

We always have to remember, how small Israel is, and how close those raiding parties were actually to both the west bank, Jerusalem, and Tel-Aviv.

Do the same trick with a larger force, knowing that it is doing a doable thing - and half of the Israeli army won't get a chance to even mobilize...and the other half will have a beautiful prospect of fighting an opponent in control of large part of the population.
Kibutzes with their armories have some self-defense capability(though many, apparently, didn't even have time to issue the weapons, or were just not prepared to actually fight for their lives), but reservists with small arms in the end aren't magical barrier against a military.
Hamas, as light/irregular as it is, is a military.