Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Western Bloc is not the world. Their cause is gaining momentum in relevant parties, including Russia, Islamic world, China. All of which are extremely important in this conflict.
Russia got its hands full, Islamic world is too weak and China in reality doesn't give a damn as long as the conflict stays in Israel and its immediate surroundings.


Registered Member
Russia got its hands full, Islamic world is too weak and China in reality doesn't give a damn as long as the conflict stays in Israel and its immediate surroundings.
Russia drained western stockpiles, how else was Israel in such awkward position? Russia winning its own war is enough to keep EU at bay.

China's effort in uniting Muslim world is crucial. China has a keen interest in trolling US back in Middle East.

It will be up to Islamic world to volunteer and fight. China and Russia are creating the conditions for it to happen.

As we speak Islamic militants across the world is eager to go to Gaza.


Senior Member
While Dugin's thesis is a bit far stretched IMO, it doesn't change the fact that this Israeli/Palestine conflict is highly, highly unpredictable and could escalate to a region wide conflict overnight. This is is why the U.S. is already calling for constraint even before the ground invasion begins.

Unlike Russia/Ukraine which is mostly a geopolitical struggle, Israel/Palestine has a religious and racial undertone that cannot be solved through negotiations or a quick military victory.
I thnk the nuclear scenario we can be facing if the Ukraine war escalates out of control is probably one of the biggest reason it is still mostly under control till today. And Russia not going through with genocidal policies compared to Israel. But with the Palestine conflict, its no holds barred and the rhetoric is very very ugly. That worries me more. It's still a small chance of other behind the scenes actors like US, Nato, Iran, Saudi Arabia, getting military involved but what if netayahu goes full crazy and actually goes through with extermination which he thinks is the final solution. All bets are off.