Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
If they went into Gaza, many would would not come out alive. Israeli taking it out on the Palestinians in the West Bank instead.
I saw this coming tbh. There were more troop deployed than in Gaza. They are looking to end Palestine once and for all. Even if these naive PA did not participate? Should have been like Gaza, at least die with dignity.

Hezbollah better take notes, they are next. Largest deployment is on their side. Mobilizing 10% population is not easy, the Israel state will use it thoroughly. By extention, Iran will join even if they had no plan.


Lieutenant General
Example of influence campaign in China from official Israeli Embassy account, in this case I'm not sure if they thought this one out:
View attachment 119918
View attachment 119919
Literally threatening Final Solution? In a country where there still are people alive who went through the
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first hand.
Would be less cringe if they managed to find a picture of Israeli soldiers with magazines in their guns.


Lieutenant General
I saw this coming tbh. There were more troop deployed than in Gaza. They are looking to end Palestine once and for all. Even if these naive PA did not participate? Should have been like Gaza, at least die with dignity.

Hezbollah better take notes, they are next. Largest deployment is on their side. Mobilizing 10% population is not easy, the Israel state will use it thoroughly. By extention, Iran will join even if they had no plan.

The ridiculously large muster of reserves is evidence of how bad the Israeli leaders are at simple maths and logistics, not a sign of a master 5D chess move.

Just think of the massive immediate logistical nightmare they have needlessly created for themselves just to feed, clothes and house that many reservists. All the economic and industrial disruptions are too far off the horizon for them to even think about right now, but those will also cause massive issues further down the road.

Ironically, this needlessly massive call up is likely going to completely destroy their planned operational timetable and operational initiative.

It’s one thing to purposefully do a proper military build up with corresponding diplomatic efforts to support it, it’s another to announce an immediate charge and just not be able to deliver, which is what the Israelis are effectively doing.

This smacks of barely contained panic at the top, resulting in poorly thought out knee-jerk reactionary decision making and the dusting off of
old contingency plans that don’t really apply to the present situation.

The world gasped and held its collective breath as the drama unfolded. Even as Hamas ran amuck all over southern Israel, everyone was still thinking it was a lottery odds fluke that allowed them to achieve so much. But the more Israel fumbles it’s response and make silly choices, the more it’s regional enemies are going to start to doubt their strength and start to wonder if Israel really has gotten lazy and complacent and weak.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are already publicly co-ordinating at the highest levels.

America and Britain sending the carrier fleets is increasingly looking like a panicked and rushed attempt to prop up Israel than the show of strength it is intended.

Right now, the likes of Hezbollah are waiting for Israeli ground operations to start en mass on Gaza before they fully commit for appearances sake, but if Israel keeps on stumbling and fumbling, it might not be long before they decide to get proactive. If Israel can’t handle that to a high enough standard, than many other looker ons might be tempted to do more than look.


Registered Member
The ridiculously large muster of reserves is evidence of how bad the Israeli leaders are at simple maths and logistics, not a sign of a master 5D chess move.

Just think of the massive immediate logistical nightmare they have needlessly created for themselves just to feed, clothes and house that many reservists. All the economic and industrial disruptions are too far off the horizon for them to even think about right now, but those will also cause massive issues further down the road.

Ironically, this needlessly massive call up is likely going to completely destroy their planned operational timetable and operational initiative.

It’s one thing to purposefully do a proper military build up with corresponding diplomatic efforts to support it, it’s another to announce an immediate charge and just not be able to deliver, which is what the Israelis are effectively doing.

This smacks of barely contained panic at the top, resulting in poorly thought out knee-jerk reactionary decision making and the dusting off of
old contingency plans that don’t really apply to the present situation.

The world gasped and held its collective breath as the drama unfolded. Even as Hamas ran amuck all over southern Israel, everyone was still thinking it was a lottery odds fluke that allowed them to achieve so much. But the more Israel fumbles it’s response and make silly choices, the more it’s regional enemies are going to start to doubt their strength and start to wonder if Israel really has gotten lazy and complacent and weak.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are already publicly co-ordinating at the highest levels.

America and Britain sending the carrier fleets is increasingly looking like a panicked and rushed attempt to prop up Israel than the show of strength it is intended.

Right now, the likes of Hezbollah are waiting for Israeli ground operations to start en mass on Gaza before they fully commit for appearances sake, but if Israel keeps on stumbling and fumbling, it might not be long before they decide to get proactive. If Israel can’t handle that to a high enough standard, than many other looker ons might be tempted to do more than look.
While there's a panic element, I think calling mobilized may be what is actually needed to hold the line.

Hezbollah going in is a question of when. It's a 100k+ strong standing professional army, with long range fires that even if we lowball would be similar to what AFU has.

Hezbollah would spam the Israeli front line depots with drones, MLRS and Iranian storm shadow clones. Then push with jihadmobiles and paragliders once the IDF ammo is depleted. The pressure on Israel could very likely be similar to the levels on Russia in Kherson and Robotino.

The Israelis are not holding that with the current numbers. There's no time to dig in or slowly whittle down Hezbollah, but what they can do is to send so many mobilized into the line that jihadmobiles would simply be swarmed by small arms wielding Israelis the moment they break through.

Not an elegant solution, but if Israel mans the border with 400k mobilized, even if they're only as well armed as average Palestinian fighters, how can Hezbollah break through with a mere 100k?

Israel firstly fucked up with oppressing the Palestinians too much and secondly fucked up by having poor intel agency and questionable military discipline. But conscription is not necessarily a dumb move.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Israel is mounting intense media pressure all over the world to paint Hamas in bad light, including in China. Two separate teams from Guancha (the military affairs team and the new team) have already gone on air saying they're been approached by Israeli sources asking them to do stories with those tones, so far they've shot down all such offers. People generally on weibo are also not buying it either. The general mood in China seems to be sympatric to the Palestinians.

To translate and quote someone on Weibo:

The Chinese watch too much Godfather lmfao.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The Soviet Union supplied virtually all of the arms, armor, and airpower that the Arab states used in the first three Arab Israeli wars.

How do you figure that China is intentionally putting diplomatic pressure on Israel, or serving as a coordinating agent for the Arab states against them? All I have seen them do is repeat their general support for the implementation of the 1967 borders. So far as I know they have basically refused to elaborate or comment beyond that.
Agree. I think most members here re trying to paint China in a different light than it is in reality. China has a neutral position in this conflict and merely calls for 2 state solution and peaceful resolution of the conflict just like many countries. So I don't understand why some people here are trying to act like China is behind Arab states/Palestine against Israel. Seriously, there is zero evidence to prove this.