Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
Robert Kagan, Paul Wolfowitz are good examples of US Jewish Neocons who supported the Iraqi war.
If you read the PNAC communique written just before Bush was elected it explicitly stated the US should simultaneously invade Iraq and North Korea. This was supposed to free US troops stationed in Kuwait and South Korea for a later invasion of Iran. And this was supposed to allow the US to control the spigots of Middle Eastern oil so they could contain China better.
You forgot to include the infamous Douglas Feith whom Gen. Tommy Frank's - who led the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, - called as “the fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth,” apparently for ideas he proposed to Franks and his planners.

Not to mention that Douglas Feith adorned his personal library with books like these: An excerpt from The New Yorker Profile of 2005

Feith has filled the room with images of figures who have earned his admiration. Busts of Washington and Lincoln sit on the shelves; Churchill scowls in the direction of Feith’s desk. A black-and-white portrait of Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, hangs over a green leather couch.


Junior Member
Registered Member
It’s insane that the US government is allowing Israel to go along with this.

The US government isn't allowing anything. The US government is insane and is currently decorating the walls of its room with rows of illegible scribblings using its own fecal matter.

We're at the finish of an election that is going to be decided by a largely random opinion swing in a handful of places. That swing may determine outcome A despite the overwhelming majority of the system backing outcome B (popular vote, most populous states etc). There is no genuine popular debate happening about it because the US system is completely outdated and unrepresentative and the media are predatory institutions controlled and run by people with too much influence and no accountability. Since the recent redistricting some 60% American voters live in electoral districts that function as one-party states. The other 20% live in electoral districts that are on the verge of becoming one-party states. The actual voting choice is left to a minority and it's a choice between two insane candidates who refuse to accept election loss in 2020 and a candidate that has never won a primary and inherited the position because the candidate that allegedly won the primary in 2020 is unfit to run. Whatever the outcome will be the other side will reject it and the conclusion will be decided by a test of numbers and strength. This won't be an election but a contest in who can prevent a coup or a revolt faster. The threat of civil conflict is very real unless Democrats win decisively and overwhelmingly and so far that scenario is by no means obvious. If Republicans win they will start a civil conflict to ensure they never lose again because the demographics of the country are against them and their traditional tricks are no longer working.On top of that the Republican candidate is senile and insane and completely unfit and his replacement is owned by megalomaniacs who want the destruction of western society to impose "Dark Enlightenment". It reads like a script for a stupid B-tier sci-fi movie except it's literally happening.

^ If the above paragraph feels like said illegible scribblings then that's only because it's a very faithful reproduction of the original.

Netanyahu is indeed trying to save his own skin but right now he is trying to force an election outcome in the US. He is one of the people who understand the US political system, its public and private face, its outer and inner workings, like very few other people in the world. He gamed it very successfully for years and one may argue he even had some small part in shaping it. So he's casting a vote, in the way that matters most in America, for the candidates that will protect him.

This has nothing to do with Israel. The entire situation could be resolved very quickly if it would not influence an election that is already a nightmare. Literally they're trying to pull off October Surprise except this time it's the sequel so it must be bigger and better.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Hmm... I have a feeling Israel's response will be disappointing and Iran will fully absorb the token response just like last April and the world will go on as usual until the next Israel Iran crisis where that will also be a rinse and repeat event. It's like we're being jerked around here being distracted while these people are doing something that we aren't paying attention to.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Ukraine is launching Storm Shadow and Taurus missiles from their Soviet fighter jets, so I thought I'd ask if Iran went the same direction and modified their fighters to launch Kh-55s or other missiles.
Iran have air launched laser guided bombs, glide bombs, supposedly cruise missiles. Try looking at the weapon systems they adapted for use to the Su-22.


The Iranian Nasr-1 cruise missile has a lower weight than the Kh-29 that can be carried by the Su-22. Some people thus speculate the Su-22 can fire the Nasr-1.

The problem is the flying platforms they have, like the Su-22, are all pretty much obsolete.
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