Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Why do so many Chinese side with Palestine. Is it because they see Israel as part of western bloc which is at odds with China???


Registered Member
Why do so many Chinese side with Palestine. Is it because they see Israel as part of western bloc which is at odds with China???
  1. Israel sold weapon to Taiwan, for one. That obviously touch Chinese red line.
  2. Israeli zionist behaves like Imperial Japanese Army, that also hit pretty close to home.
  3. Chinese feel personally responsible for the zionist crimes, because Chinese are the one saved Jews in WWII.
  4. Zionists are universally hated around world, China has no reason to be exception.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why do so many Chinese side with Palestine. Is it because they see Israel as part of western bloc which is at odds with China???
Because they know what it was like to be subjugated (in Chinas case, by the japs in ww2) and also they sympathize with a movement that is defending itself from foreign invaders (which is what Israel is in all honesty with the whole forcing its way into Palastine In 1948 with the help of those Americans and British. Also because they can easily see the US being a force of evil in The region and how the US is pushing against China with regards to Taiwan (which is seriously none of the bloody businesses and really should learn to GTFO of there) I mean defending an obvious genocide and endless prison rape, most people would fight against it, unless you happened to be part of the US congress which are evil and deserve to burn in hell for weigh the lives of others in dollar bills from AIPAC.


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This is why I say you're arguing in bad faith, nobody claims this.
What Yemen's capabilities are is readily apparent, what US's capabilities are is also very obvious - i.e. at their current deployment, not adequate to protect commercial shipping (insurer/shipping confidence) in the Red Sea.

It’s implied or explicitly stated here all the time.

As you said the houthis have impacted commercial shipping. But that impact is limited and has not greatly affected consumer shopping or prices in Europe or U.S. That could change if Houthis receive Russian anti-ship missiles or if U.S. steps up its deployment/scope of attack.

And the Houthis should worry about internal governance rather than trying to score points against the U.S.


Registered Member
The US does not need to use everything it has to penalize Iran.

Let's assume that Iran has a total of 3,000 individual military targets for the US to bomb.

500-800 total fighters
300-500 USAF fighters
150-300 USN/USMC fighters
50 USAF bombers

Within the total fighters deployed, the following are available:
120 F-22A
410 F-35A
160 F-35B
80 F35C

600 aircraft flying 300 sorties per day could total a 14-day strategic air bombing campaign, thus generating 150 sorties per day for this purpose with the rest of the sorties for refueling, in total, in a 14-day campaign, 2,000 sorties launching +4,000 JASSM against Iran. This does not even include the sorties of bombers (B-1B, B-2A and B-52H) which average around 20 JASSM. About 50% of all sorties would be by REVO aircraft, as evidenced in 2003, when 268 REVO aircraft flew 9,064 sorties, totaling 44% of the 20,733 of all sorties of the air campaign.

The inventory:
5,500 JASSM/ER
5,000 Tomahawk
500-700 SLAM-ER
37,800 SDB
6,300 Stormbreakers
5,900 JSOWs
650,000 guided bombs

Potential bases used -
Muwaffaq Salti Air Base/Azraq (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18)(RQ -4/MQ-9) - 1,400 km from Tehran

Saudi Arabia -
King Fahad Air Base/Taif (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18) - 1,900 km from Tehran
King Khalid Air Base/Khamis Mushayt (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18)(RQ-4/MQ-9) - 2,100 km from Tehran
Prince Sultan Air Base/Al-Kharj (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18)(RQ-4/MQ-9) /5)(B-52/1/2) - 1,300 km from Tehran
King Faisal Air Base/Tabuk (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18) - 1,600 km from Tehran
Prince Abdullah Air Base/Jeddah (C-130/17/5)(JSTARS/E-3/RC-135/KC-135/10/46)(B-52/1/2) - 1,900 km from Tehran

Turkey -
Incirlik Air Base/Adana (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18)(JSTARS/E-3/RC-135/KC-135/10/46)(C-130/17/5) - 1,400 km from Tehran

Djibouti -
Camp Lemonnier (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18) - 2,800 km from Tehran

Diego Garcia -
Naval Support Facility (C-130/17/5)(JSTARS/E-3/RC-135/KC-135/10/46)(B-52/1/2) - 5,200 km from Tehran

Cyprus -
RAF Akrotiri (F-15/16/22/35A/B/C/18)(RQ-4/MQ-9)(JSTARS/E-3/RC-135/KC-135/10/46) - 1,600 km from Tehran

As we can see, this does not even represent 50% of the total strength of the US aerospace power.


1) I ended up with about 10K aimpoints for Taiwan, outlined in the Taiwan thread. So call it a ballpark 40K aimpoints for Iran, given 4x the population.

2) If the US uses all those missiles for Iran, what is left to deter China?

3) For most of those bases, the US using them to attack Iran is completely unrealistic from a political perspective

Arij Javaid

Junior Member
Registered Member
Will China support Iran if the US decides to invade Iran??

I believe they should because Iran falling into the hands of western elites would be a catastrophic geopolitical loss.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Will China support Iran if the US decides to invade Iran??

I believe they should because Iran falling into the hands of western elites would be a catastrophic geopolitical loss.
Wasn't it already explained to you many times that sufficient support would be for Iran to prolong and likely ultimately prevail using its own manpower? That is to say, support with targeting, weapons and MIC, but no official PLA clearing the skies from Americans or Chinese flagged ships firing missiles for Iran.

US is also not in a position to invade Iran, they would need to invade Lebanon first. That's going to be a huge ground war meat grinder.


Why do so many Chinese side with Palestine. Is it because they see Israel as part of western bloc which is at odds with China???

Politically, Israel is a key US outpost in the Middle East, and the US is China's greatest threat currently.

Individually, the memory of Japanese atrocities are still fresh in the minds of the Chinese people (and may it ever remain so!), and Israel's actions in Gaza reminds us of those atrocities. In addition, Hamas' resistance against an overwhelmingly more powerful adversary reminds the Chinese people of our own struggle against the Japanese invaders.


Registered Member
With all this US posturing, it seems that this would be ideal time for China to stage some military exercises, lest the US has forgotten that China exists.

If US wants to divert military resources to Middle East, that's all good and fine, just don't be surprised if China capitalises on your weakness.

That would be a good enough way to severy constrain US forces from being used to deal with Iran