Is the economic success of Israel entirely dependent on foreign support. Is the economic success of some Muslim countries largely dependent on oil/gas. See the difference. Look at the standard of living between Arabic countries with oil money and those without.
There are differences in that oil countries at least get money selling their own resources, for better or for worse. Israel is just smooching from other people taxpayers and by laundering money from mass murderers and training death squads around the globe since the 1960's.
I do also find it funny how you skip to mention that the other countries is not so good condition are that way in part because of Israel itself, bombing and fomenting unrest in them or by its allies in NATO
Thing is, I am starting to think that your point is that Israel has the right to wipe out its neighbors and its non-jewish populations because it has "a better quality" of life for subsector of its own population than some of the other countries in the area?
I can think of at least 2 dozen Israeli tech companies that are globally competitive. Can’t think of that many from the entire Arabic world in the Middle East. 40-70% of the revenues still come gas oil/gas.
And?. I wouldn't brag about companies specializing in mass espionage, surveillance and mass murder.
I'll take an oil company over the tech shithole of narcissistic sociopaths developed "Lavender" or "Where is daddy?"
You say that if Israel has achieved little much outside of the LGBT ghetto of Tel Aviv
They sat on a pot of gold for the last 70 years. What did they do with it besides building fancy shopping malls and buying more Ferraris for their princes.
And?. They deserve to be genocided because of that?. No wonder there is such sympathy between nazis and zionists.