asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
When at secondary school the director each year read the names of the pupils killed during WWII and how they were killed. The one I remember best is the 15 year old who was on his way by bicycle to his grandmother in another town who was killed by a passing Spitfire.
Yeah I am sure it has happened and who knows maybe even this fake video is based on real true life event who knows, wars are bad but the targeting of civilians is a complete no no a line which should never be crossed, that's why UN was established and what came out of two world wars, in the first half of the 20th century Europe ripped itself apart in WWI and WWII and in the second half spent almost 50 years starring each other down over another World War I guess it's time for Middleast to have theirs and maybe somehow from this mess a better society can emerge, I know it's not the way to think but out of bad sometimes can eventually come good
Sad thing is I don't think we ever learn from previous wars we are only good at studying them for the sake of studying
Middleast is a big mess right now and I think it will get much much worse before it all gets better
Other opinion is everyone deploys a peace keeling force like 650,000 troops to secure Iraq and Syria which we know is not possible or just leave them to it and let events play out and finally die down, until there is dictators in middleast I don't see it getting any better