Jura The idiot
I know I have but a slight insight in the tactical situation but I see many villages to the north. I also see that Google maps has a different valuation of the importance of the roads.
On the earth pictures I see signs of old streams just I remember seeing them when flying over Czechoslovakia half a century ago in an Il-14 so flying rather low. I suppose that land is used not for crops but for keeping animals.
So I suppose the villages will be small but still tactically significant.
Like for the Czechoslovakia flyover
everywhere (I'm referring to the Czech part, where there's a lobby which has been able to set up its mass-production to of course blend it with gas, calling it Green, Ecological, Alernative and stuff ... I know I have to stop)
I was now briefly looking for the news about this Desert Group ... perhaps the saying
He Who Fights And Runs Away
May Live To Fight Another Day
applies here: it seems they retreated toward some (little) hill (around Abu al-Alaj in "edmap" below; from what I figured, there's a communication tower there, this is why I think it's a hill), where it should be more difficult for ISIL to charge at them (VBIEDs!) as compared to the open northern flank (I facepalm) recently ... I hope they left nobody behind (don't want even to think about what would happen to "POW") ... I'll update