ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)


Lieutenant General
That blob doesn't look much like the Yars or any ICBM.

For one the size is notably off.

The Yars is a 21m beasty, which should make it roughly the same length as the 22m Su24 in that picture.

It's exceptionally sloppy and unhelpful that they draw a big thick yellow line partially through what they are supposed to be highlighting, but based on what's left exposed, and filling in th blocked off area by looking at the magnified image, it is still pretty clear that whatever they are showing is significantly shorter than 21m.

It simply makes no sense for Russia to want to send an ICBM to Syria since those things have plenty of range to hit pretty much anywhere on the planet without having to leaving Russian territory.

What is pictured may be a tactical SRBM, or a support trailer for the S400, even a bigass fuel tanker, so poor is the picture quality.

But basic size analysis alone should rule it out as an ICBM.

Why anyone would even think ICBM when looking at that picture boggles the mind. That would make absolutely no sense.
how do I begin? LOL now I spent at least half of an hour in this Thread, looking back at the developments in Southern Aleppo area in connection with the most recent news, so I won't just close the tabs, but post here ...
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pushed yesterday toward Al-Eis

(likely due to the concentration of the Government and Allied Forces in the desert)

Al-Eis was captured by the Government sometime around
Nov 15, 2015
Edmaps has a map showing the results of the last month in the battle of Aleppo:
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Looks good!
I of course don't know for sure if Al-Eis was taken (as the map above says), but based on several videos I saw Spring Campaign started in there

I of course don't know for sure if Al-Eis was taken (as the map above says), but based on several videos I saw Spring Campaign started in there
now I saw a video from Al-Eis; one "Government" dead body without shoes ... EDIT
so no link here, and claims of
repeat: just claims I saw ... let's see tomorrow
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The Capitalist
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al Qaryatain is indeed the next major objective with Al Masdar news reporting this evening that Syrian forces are inside the city and taking it district by district.
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It is also true that other groups seem to be trying to take advantage of many elite units being redeployed to East Homs, by launching offensives in Latakia and Southern Aleppo.
The interesting talk is that these include groups that are supposed to be in Ceasefire mode and that the Syrian Government are accusing them of breaking and thus ending the ceasefire. Have not yet seen if Moscow is saying the same thing. Given that many of the groups accused are largely composed of Turkmen with overt Ankara backing, Putin's reaction could be interesting.
... claims of
repeat: just claims I saw ... let's see tomorrow
in the morning:
  • according to a Twitter of the Russian journalist on location in Syria, counter-attack hasn't been mounted yet (plus Iranian press will brag about it once it starts, I guess)
  • didn't find anything credible about Al-Hadher
  • if something didn't get lost in translation :) Abu Ru'ayl was retaken by the Government (saw video with MLRS, tanks)
plus I should add reportedly also Birnah (north to Al-Eis) was lost (regained later?) by the Government, which would put the "area of contact" back into something like Dec 5, 2015
(doesn't concern all areas, like Khan Tuman etc. etc.)

let's see in the evening
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finally pro-Government maps appeared; they acknowledge loosing at-most-two-miles-long stretches, but all over the area: visible
  • after clicking on
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    and zooming (high-res);
  • at another, showing more or less the same
oh and Iranian press spoke, too:
Syria in Last 24 Hours: Al-Nusra Front's Massive Attacks on Army Positions Repelled in Aleppo
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