I just listened to a BBC Radio 4 program about Jihadies returning from Syria. You can find it at:
Well worth a listen. The official attitude is rather incoherent, but certainly there is no thought of the mayhem caused in Syria. As an extreme (?) example it presents one mother who it said cooperated fully with the authorities and now complains: he went out with full support of NATO and Britain and is now serving seventeen years in prison.
To be fair, I don't think anyone suggested the guy had official sanction, which is the problem. He went to fight because of all the anti-Assad and pro-rebel propaganda in the western media, and joined a movement which the British and key NATO governments championed if not covertly supported and assisted, but he didn't go as part of some official or even unofficial British government programme.
That BBC piece was interesting as a human interest piece, but is serverly lacking as a policy examination in how to tackle the problem of returnees in that it does not address the glaringly obvious fact that not all EU nations are equal in the eyes of terrorists.
Britian and France, through their military actions and diplomatic choices, have made themselves far more of a target for terrorists than other less trigger happy EU and NATO nations.
Thus what works for them is unlikely to work for the UK or France.