The British government has banned all UK airlines for flying in or out of Sharm-El-Sheikh in Egypt, which suggests very strongly that the UK security forces are of the opinion that not only was it a bomb that brought the Russian airliner down, but also that they suspect it to be an inside job.
And I have to agree, in this day and age, its near impossible to get a bomb on board a passenger jet unless someone working at the airport with the proper security clearances was helping you.
The plane that went down was also a chartered flight, so if someone wanted to kill Russians and only Russians, that would have been the best possible target.
If ISIS could indeed get bombs on planes, as it appears to have been the case, not only does it speak of alarming sophistication, it also raises the question of, why only now?
You'd think with all their foaming rage and professed hatred of all things western and modern, ISIS would have taken down an American airliner months ago, when America was the only one bombing ISIS?