Lieutenant General
Sorry mate you can’t have it both ways.
Following Biscuits insistence that Michael Kovrig’s case is fair even though he has not been formally charged, given no access to legal counsel, no transparency, being held in indefinite detention I have reluctantly accepted that position. I have been accused of being unreasonable for not accepting such a position of fairness. I am now applying that same standard of fairness as you guys insist on using and I can therefore conclude beyond reasonable doubt that Meng’s case is entirely fair in comparison. She has received all due process, she has full legal representation, there is total visibility on the case, there are known timelines and she is out on bail. Therefore by the same standard you guys set and by the reasoning you guys used, anybody who complains Meng’s case is unfair is entirely unreasonable and in my opinion totally hypocritical.
Case closed. Discussions ended.
Awwww, case closed, discussion ended? Oh no! Am I too late? Please let me say something before you close and end it! Hahahaha That's so cute. Fantasizing about positions of power, closing cases that you have no authority over, are we? You can choose to leave any time and to accept defeat or not. The results are laid out for everyone to see. You clearly have a reading comprehension problem as on multiple occasions, you have repeated arguments that have already been rebutted or addressed. I won't bother to rewrite it for you this time; I'll just quote myself on the difference between Meng's case and Krovig's:
"If Meng was arrested for endangering the national security of Canada, there would be no uproar. She was arrested in Canada for no offenses against Canada, but for actions that aren't even considered crimes internationally. She's basically being accused of lying to Americans and to be arrested for such indicates that somewhere in Canada's perverse legal system, they think that it is a criminal offense for a Chinese citizen to lie to American authorities when it should at most be a civil case with damage restitution being sought."
And therefore the joint conclusion is that China was perfectly within its rights by arresting Krovig while Canada's kangaroo court has acted illegally and immorally regarding Meng Wanzhou on a matter over which it has no legal jurisdiction. Case closed, buh bye, you lose again, thanks for playing, see you next time!