The issue is, it became a problem when you choose to decide that it was a problem and not before.The original problem was started when Brat began talking about freedom while everyone else was talking about resources and wealth gap. He was quickly shut down for being off topic and wrong but you chose to continue his mistake.
You were totally complicit in engaging me on the topic of freedom when I responded to hkbc and subsequently our iterations went on multiple times until you decide that it was off topic and not before. The excuse of off topic is pretty lame when you actively participated in an activity until it suits you to call it off topic but not before.
I also disagree that Brat was shut down because he was off topic. You guys say things that do not correlate to facts but fortunately we have a trail of the interaction as to who is actually making up stuff rather than being truthful
post # 404 - Equation went on a tirade against "Western" stuff. How is it on topic according to the "Equation" standard?
post # 405, #406, #407 was essentially echo chamber to your post. How are they on topic?
post #408 - This was when Brat commented about freedom in his post
post #409 - Equation rebutted Brat over freedom as an engagement point.
post #410 - This was Jura posting some news on Huawei which would even qualify as on topic.
post #411 - This was when hkbc questioned Brat over the meaning of freedom.
post #412 - Equation then engaged Brat again on the issue of freedom
Out of the nine posts only one would technically qualify as on topic. You were an active participant in three post of which none were on topic, two of which were relating to the idea of "freedom". None of the posts suggest any attempts to shut down Brat because he was off topic but rather it was an attempt to suppress his sharing the notion of freedom. Obviously you guys could not shut Brat down as being off topic because you and others were equally guilty of being off topic. A case of do what I say and not what I do.
Facts matter.
An established fact build on sound principles of risk management always trump a system build on the susceptibility of human weakness to corruption. You are entitled to your claims but they are rather hollow. .I concede nothing. I said that a government without checks and balances has greater potential to become corrupt but ultimately it depends on the actual people ruling. In this case, I would say that despite the checks and balances in the American system and the lack thereof in the Chinese system, American politics is much more corrupt and abusive at this point than Chinese politics.
Due process has a different meaning from country to country. Meng Wanzhou was kidnapped for supposed "crimes" that are not illegal in Canada and not done on Canadian soil. Michael Kovrig was arrested for alleged crimes that he committed in China against China. The latter makes perfect sense and is standard practice while the former is an international outrage and a perfect example of how a system that was designed to fend off corruption can become corrupt nonetheless.
Due process will certainly have degrees in application across different legal jurisdiction but that is unimportant. What is important is whether the application of the process is based upon sound legal jurisprudence of fairness and a fair trial. There are objective test centred around transparency, access to legal representation and a fair trial.
So what do we have in contrast in terms of due process.
Clarity of specific charges, transparency in due process and access to legal counsel
Meng was detained in Canada pursuant to request by the U.S. under the U.S.-Canada extradition treaty. Meng was indicted by a U.S. grand jury in Brooklyn in August 2018 and an arrest warrant was issued. The U.S. then sent that an official request to Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which eventually sent it to the Ministry of Justice and then local authorities in Vancouver. In Canada, the minister of justice must first conduct a review to determine whether the defendant could be extradited under and the U.S.-Canada Extradition Treaty. A judge in Vancouver must also review the U.S. request and the specific charges and the supporting evidence provided by the U.S.
Meng has had access to counsel from the time of her detention, and following due process had the chance to challenge her extradition before a neutral independent Canadian judge. At the bail hearing, the court was packed with Meng's supporters. A, Meng is being charged with bank fraud
A 25 page indictment was also filed in the U.S. district of New York on January 24, 2019 laying out the specific charges. Meng if she is extradited will get to have her day in court with full legal representation in a trial that will have full visibility in the proceedings.
In contrast, what has happened to Michael Kovrig's case in terms of clarity of charges, transparency in due process and access to legal counsel? Nothing that we know of.
Objectivity is not based on claims but of facts and not of words but of actions.
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