China's so called "bad debts" are in reality development loans. China's banks act like developmental banks and development loans have a different criteria than consumer loans. Payback for developmental loans are meant for much longer terms of payback but produce far greater social benefits. Mexico's banks are in much better shape than China's because they concentrate on consumer loans---to the detriment of the general economy.
At the same time, the general size of China's economy appears to be underestimated. Real growth are actually in the double digits. This makes so called bad loans less "bad" because they are being paid no matter what in the long term.
As a "first rate" economy, you can see the long term decay happening in the cash strapped local levels of goverment. It begins when your education standards are lower than most industrialized countries---heck the US national IQ is two points lower than China's. It begins in the rot of the inner cities, and when a substantial population, a percentage higher than almost all industrialized countries, live under the poverty line. You have the burden of a hidden third world nation in the cities.
It's not totally a rosy picture at all, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that in 50 years time, the USA will still have a prime economy, if not THE prime economy still. Most investors still think it is one of the safest places for their holdings. And I don't see that changing. The Euro recently was supposed to outright destroy the dollar, but look what's happening now. Others simply do not share the same kind of employment indexes, quality of life, freedom, educational opportunities, etc. that keep money flowing here. We've also had it worse economically before, and have always rebounded. I would agree, the amount of current debt is a problem for the USA. But as of now, everybody would go downhill in economic armegeddon as you say if certain actions were taken by some parties. Not fun for anyone. And because of this, I'm not worried at all.
Europe, Korea, Japan, Canada, and Taiwan have superior quailty of life, educational opportunities, health care, crime control, and social welfare compared to the US. You will discover that after you lif your head out of the sand. No city in the US is safe to walk out at night, and yet every city in Asia is from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur. As for employment? Please US companies are outsourcing. the kind of jobs our youth get in the US are serving McDonald's now. When is the last time you can get a highly paid, skilled manufacturing job opening?
Most investors are starting to see differently about the concept of holding too much US Treasury bonds or buying too much US real estate (why the prices for such is dropping).
But if the USA really wanted to do some damage, all they would have to do is enlarge CAFTA and send all manufacturing to low cost areas in Latin America. That would be the ultimate economic pre-emptive strike. While we can always find low cost solutions in other areas, China cannot find another consumer market the size of the USA's for their cheap goods.
Latin America cannot match the cost efficiency of manufacturing in China. The difference between the infrastructure between China and Latin America is like night and day. For businesses, quality of infrastructure is number one/
Another thing is the self egocentric delusion that the US doesn't have consumer markets that won't rival its own. Wrong. There is the common Europe. There is Japan and Korea, both feeding off from China. And most of all the biggest market itself---China, cash rich with a 40% savings rate instead of credit card debts. Why do you think every US retailer is rushing into that market head on?