Today I was looking again at the photos published on the web of the Bagheri drone carrier, and I lingered on this one showing the aft flight deck occupied by a helicopter, therefore taken before the ceremony in recent days.
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but this photo also showed something else, and for comparison I put together this photo and a similar one from the day of the ceremony, and you can see 3 Qahed type drones shown in white that are large, i.e. even larger than those circled in green that were also present at the ceremony along with the small ones circled in red, so those circled in white should be very close in size to the prototype of the Q-313 piloted aircraft.
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Anyway, I'm asking if you think this is a completely real photo or has someone done some retouching by adding these new large aircraft/drones.
But if the photo is completely real, it makes me wonder if these are drones, or if they are the evolution of the Q-313 and therefore with a pilot on board (who in any case due to size cannot use the lift to put him in the hangar below)
The image on top is so much faked! You take it seriously??