Infantry Combat Equipment (non-firearm): Vests, Body Armor, NVGs, etc.


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Of all the youtubers, he is the one to get this stuff. Buffman Range does the full range of testing on armour plates to a far higher standard. Oxide legit just eyeballed it on lots of his tests. HYPE Militaria is an enthusiast of military equipment, especially night vision equipment, which is why he's been posted here before.
Oxide gets the stuff not because he's good at testing them (or if he's gonna test them at all). He gets the stuff because he's a DoD employee who just happens to have a semi-shitposting guntube channel. Your average civilian enthusiast like HYPE Militaria is not gonna have access to a protected PLA current military issue night vision unit, at least not while half of PLA infantry are still running without them.
I bet Oxide does have the results for the PLA issued plate and only shares it with the US DoD.
Pretty sure it goes the other way round. The DoD gets access to PLA equipment first, tests every bit of useful info out of them, and then gives them to their employees / influencers to screw around with. The strongest military in the world is not gonna rely on inaccurate data provided by some dude sharing NCD shitposts on a daily basis.
People send him stuff because he's a well known gunfluencer, not necessarily a good one.
Again, I don't think it was sent by anyone to him, but provided to him directly by the DoD. Though funnily enough, he was mocking Chinese enthusiasts on his instagram stories last week for DMing him with all the PLA equipment stats they knew like he was some sort of third party reviewer with no direct connections to the US military
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Oxide gets the stuff not because he's good at testing them (or if he's gonna test them at all). He gets the stuff because he's a DoD employee who just happens to have a semi-shitposting guntube channel.
Again, I don't think it was sent by anyone to him, but provided to him directly by the DoD.
I do not believe this to be the case. He was getting his hands on stuff well before he joined the US Army as a helicopter pilot.
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HYPE Militaria has a US gen iii night vision tube despite ITAR. Military equipment can "fall off the back of a truck".

Pretty sure it goes the other way round. The DoD gets access to PLA equipment first, tests every bit of useful info out of them, and then gives them to their employees / influencers to screw around with. The strongest military in the world is not gonna rely on inaccurate data provided by some dude sharing NCD shitposts on a daily basis.
I am sure the US DoD have their own ways of acquiring and testing adversary equipment but to give it to influencers?

Though funnily enough, he was mocking Chinese enthusiasts on his instagram stories last week for DMing him with all the PLA equipment stats they knew like he was some sort of third party reviewer with no direct connections to the US military
He is rightfully laughing at idiots selling out their own country for clout with a gunfluencer. The equipment could be coming from them.


Lieutenant General
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I do not believe this to be the case. He was getting his hands on stuff well before he joined the US Army as a helicopter pilot.
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HYPE Militaria has a US gen iii night vision tube despite ITAR. Military equipment can "fall off the back of a truck".

I am sure the US DoD have their own ways of acquiring and testing adversary equipment but to give it to influencers?

Sometimes things can be given or lent to soldiers from friendly military forces and then in turn find their way to less than friendly nations.
For infantry gear, it's not uncommon.

He is rightfully laughing at idiots selling out their own country for clout with a gunfluencer. The equipment could be coming from them.

If it's not any information with a security clearance that seems not very controversial to me, though the idea of trying to win an internet argument or gain clout is silly regardless.


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He is rightfully laughing at idiots selling out their own country for clout with a gunfluencer. The equipment could be coming from them.
Calm down. I genuinely have no idea why people think its such a big deal that people can get their hands on this stuff. The PLA was using a commercial vendor for those digital tubes in the first place and once this equipment became widely available enough, people outside the PLA being able to get their hands on it was an inevitability. Talk of people 'needing to be shot' is ridiculous and makes you sound hysterical.
Pretty sure it goes the other way round. The DoD gets access to PLA equipment first, tests every bit of useful info out of them, and then gives them to their employees / influencers to screw around with. The strongest military in the world is not gonna rely on inaccurate data provided by some dude sharing NCD shitposts on a daily basis.
Again, I don't think it was sent by anyone to him, but provided to him directly by the DoD. Though funnily enough, he was mocking Chinese enthusiasts on his instagram stories last week for DMing him with all the PLA equipment stats they knew like he was some sort of third party reviewer with no direct connections to the US military
You definitely don't need connections at the DoD to get your hands on this sort of equipment.


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If you guys think this is bad then I wonder what you guys think of the Guancha folks getting hold of top tier US infantry gear from a fan in Japan who routinely purchased “military surplus” during the pandemic.
Yea, people shouldn't underestimate the amount of US soldiers (and officers) directly engaging in selling equipment to the "black market".

And it definitely is getting into the PLA's hands.


Registered Member
He is rightfully laughing at idiots selling out their own country for clout with a gunfluencer. The equipment could be coming from them.
There are far more prominent guntubers like Garand Thumb. Why would someone chasing clout go to an obscure low-views channel like Oxide?


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So I'm like 99% sure the Type-19 monocular that Oxide got his hands on is a replica made by (王大茄子工作室) Wang Da Eggplant Studio. They're really well produced copies but there's a few tells that really make me think the unit Oxide has is one of Wang's copies and not the real deal. To add I've interacted with Wang on his amazing digital replicas and even own a DL-31 (PVS-31 digital clone) he produced. The first big tell is the obvious lack of issuance markings which are present on units in circulation within the PLA (I've seen a real early production unit with said markings, no I cannot say how). The next big tell is the proprietary battery back and dovetail, neither of which are present in the real PLA units and are included items with Wang's Type-19 replica unless you order the correct ball mount for extra. Finally, the internal image Oxide showed off in a separate tweet is identical to Wang's Type-19 clone which while a nice presentation is nothing like the real displayed image of the issued Type-19 monocular (again, I've seen an early issued unit). I'll include a few images taken from videos Wang made of his replica Type-19 monocular and he has a channel on Bilibili that has the rest of his studio work (
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So I'm like 99% sure the Type-19 monocular that Oxide got his hands on is a replica made by (王大茄子工作室) Wang Da Eggplant Studio. They're really well produced copies but there's a few tells that really make me think the unit Oxide has is one of Wang's copies and not the real deal. To add I've interacted with Wang on his amazing digital replicas and even own a DL-31 (PVS-31 digital clone) he produced. The first big tell is the obvious lack of issuance markings which are present on units in circulation within the PLA (I've seen a real early production unit with said markings, no I cannot say how). The next big tell is the proprietary battery back and dovetail, neither of which are present in the real PLA units and are included items with Wang's Type-19 replica unless you order the correct ball mount for extra. Finally, the internal image Oxide showed off in a separate tweet is identical to Wang's Type-19 clone which while a nice presentation is nothing like the real displayed image of the issued Type-19 monocular (again, I've seen an early issued unit). I'll include a few images taken from videos Wang made of his replica Type-19 monocular and he has a channel on Bilibili that has the rest of his studio work (
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So added comparison, a side by side with the Oxide monocular in center (likely a replica) and a real issued Type-19/21 monocular with issuance sticker visible on the underside of the device and very clear difference in overall housing shape. Of note the tab and knob do exist on the real unit on the opposing side but the bracket is smaller on the real unit and the knob face is flush compared to the one on the replica, funny enough Wang's original prototype had a closer to correct knob.


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And to wrap it up a guy visited Wang Da Eggplant's studio sometime around 9-5-2023 and took a video of the visit (photos below) which included a production Type-19 clone from the studio which looks basically identical to what Oxide just recently got his hands on which I think closes the book on it being a replica and not at all a real issued article.


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