Infantry Combat Equipment (non-firearm): Vests, Body Armor, NVGs, etc.


A bit more info on the MARS 2.0 and associated systems from Kestrel Defense. It's basically a
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complex for the battlefield.

为提高部队遂行任务能力,我们以军用增强现实系统(Military Augmented Reality System,简称MARS系统)为单兵节点,以MESH战术自组网为神经网络,结合智能化无人平台和智能化的指控系统,组成了智能班组系统(Intelligent Squad Ecosystem),打造战场上的“万物互联”。智能班组系统通常由装备了军用增强现实系统(MARS)的士兵、察打一体无人直升机(UAV)、地面无人平台(UGV)组成。单兵和无人平台上都携带了MESH战术自组网系统,使得班组内的战术信息可以无缝交流。同时,班组还可携带单兵巡飞弹(ILM)、飞行手雷(IFG)、微型侦查机(UAV)等无人平台作为补充的侦查、打击手段.

In order to improve the ability of the troops to perform tasks, we use the Military Augmented Reality System (MARS system) as the individual soldier node, the MESH tactical ad-hoc network as the neural network, and combine the intelligent unmanned platform and intelligent command and control system to form an Intelligent Squad Ecosystem to create the "Internet of Everything" on the battlefield. The intelligent squad system usually consists of soldiers equipped with a military augmented reality system (MARS), an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and an unmanned ground platform (UGV). Both individual soldiers and unmanned platforms carry the MESH tactical ad hoc network system, which enables seamless exchange of tactical information within the squad. At the same time, the squad can also carry unmanned platforms such as individual cruise missiles (ILM), flying grenades (IFG), and micro reconnaissance aircraft (UAV) as supplementary means of reconnaissance and strikes.



Junior Member
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I know that the chinese mic prefers to invest in stuff like jets or ships, but does anyone know whether white phosphor nvg is such an exotic thing that it would make
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wonder which western company illegally traded it with russia?
is this kind of technology only available to the usa and her allies?


Senior Member
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I know that the chinese mic prefers to invest in stuff like jets or ships, but does anyone know whether white phosphor nvg is such an exotic thing that it would make
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wonder which western company illegally traded it with russia?
is this kind of technology only available to the usa and her allies?
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More on that

Noticably, P45 ( White) has considerably less eye fatigue which helps operators.

I dunno, maybe Inflation is so high, that treason for money is worth the risk.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I know that the chinese mic prefers to invest in stuff like jets or ships, but does anyone know whether white phosphor nvg is such an exotic thing that it would make
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wonder which western company illegally traded it with russia?
is this kind of technology only available to the usa and her allies?
White phosphor NVGs aren’t that advanced if that’s what you are wondering, it’s only available in a few countries cuz photomultiplier tube has almost no civilian applications hence the small market ,and NATO countries tend to invest more in infantry combat equipment .
In another word , you definitely haven’t heard Japan/SK/China invest heavily in photomultiplier tube manufacturing have you?