Two more... Army and Air Force and.
The Rocket Force patch features a yellow stripe.
Two more... Army and Air Force and.
are these plate carriers or Kevlar vests?Type-15 body armor in starry sky camouflage.
Plate carriers.are these plate carriers or Kevlar vests?
on the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asapPlate carriers.
on the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asap
on the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asap
Wtf lolon the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asap
I blame Call of duty..on the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asap
In the middle of a firefight, you won’t be replacing your plate. By the time you take off your backpack to take that hypothetical extra plate out, the enemy will have moved either closer to you or to another position to engage you. The plate is meant to help you survive and give you a chance to seek better cover. If you survive the firefight and manage to get back to a base or even get supplied, then you can replace your plates, assuming they have any. Finally, carrying extra plates take up too much space and add weight to your already 100 lb plus pack. This isn’t COD Warzone where you can replace one plate after another and sprint around with 10 plates.on the chest side there seem to be openings to slip in a plate, not sure about the back side though...or maybe the plate get added in from inside the vest? but that doesn't seem very efficient, especially if you are hit and you need a fresh plate asap
Specifically Call of Duty Warzone:I blame Call of duty..