Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member
What is with India and their obsession with the word "dynamic". They literally slap it on everything.
Here's how the YouTube Indian experts declared the DYNAMIC presentation from the link you posted:


It would be wise for our Indian friends on this forum to have some sense of humility by having a sense of restraint when it comes to making proud proclamations of a supposed military tech prowess and dynamic milestone when none has been achieved, to avoid getting embarrassed, laughed at both by your fellows and see see Pee wumaos thereby experiencing "emotional damage" from your own self induced folly.


Junior Member
Registered Member
What are the timestamps of all those misses?
I can't believe you made me watch that joke of an "arms demonstration" lmao. (more like drop dumb bombs demonstration)


Missed? Griffin LGB at 39:25

I think there was a miss at 39:40

At 43:50 it looks like they rigged it to detonate cause I didn't see and explosions near the vehicle and it detonated before the rockets arrived.

Also at 45:34 WTF was those after explosions that look like they came from underground? Did they manually blow too since the explosions are so different? The initial bomb drops don't kick up a lot of dirt while the second explosion looks like it came from underground (also according to the info they should be dropping normal 1000lbs dumb bombs.)

Bro literally missed literally everything at 47:11 from a freaking helicopter.

Again, miss at 48:22 from a rocket pod salvo, also WTF is that dispersion, I've seen videos of Su-25's lobbing these unguided rockets and they are so much more accurate. Bruz is shooting from like 1-2ks away and missing.

Literally missed everything at 48:50

Missed R-73 at 52:00

Missed dumb bombs at 54:00 Also WTF, they didn't explode?

Completely missed (missile failed) IR guided missile at 1:20:28 . LMAO cut to commercial after it missed.

2x AKASH missiles failed (1 engine failure? other just decided to go to narnia) 2:12:00


LMAO, they use school buses as an icon for "vehicle convoy". Bruh how low budget is this? I swear it looks like they were using clip art for the illustrations.

Question, is the loitering munition used in 1:18:16 an IAI Harop?

Also WTF is up with that target drone bellowing red smoke from its engine at 1:20:02?


I cannot believe I actually watched this embarrassing joke of a "Fire Power Demonstration". Literally 99% of it was dumb bombs or unguided missiles. They fired like 9 guided weapons (Hellfire x2 , R-73 x 2 i think, 1x MICA IR missile, 2x AKASH, 1x "Loitering Munition" and 1x SAMAR) of those weapons fired the SAMAR x1 Missed, 1x R-73 Missed, 2x AKASH failed. They also missed a bunch of unguided munitions LMAO. Also several targets clearly were rigged and blown up manually to cover up their incompetence.

Funnily enough, due to their incompetence, it was obvious to tell the difference from an explosion that came from underground (aka rigged to blow) and an actual bomb. Also They keep on not showing moments before the explosion, I suspect they are trying to cover up their misses with those cuts.

Also those commentators fellating themselves when the missiles clearly failed and the copium from the YT comments saying that "it will not hit because it is a simulation". BRUHHHHH.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I can't believe you made me watch that joke of an "arms demonstration" lmao. (more like drop dumb bombs demonstration)


Missed? Griffin LGB at 39:25

I think there was a miss at 39:40

At 43:50 it looks like they rigged it to detonate cause I didn't see and explosions near the vehicle and it detonated before the rockets arrived.

Also at 45:34 WTF was those after explosions that look like they came from underground? Did they manually blow too since the explosions are so different? The initial bomb drops don't kick up a lot of dirt while the second explosion looks like it came from underground (also according to the info they should be dropping normal 1000lbs dumb bombs.)

Bro literally missed literally everything at 47:11 from a freaking helicopter.

Again, miss at 48:22 from a rocket pod salvo, also WTF is that dispersion, I've seen videos of Su-25's lobbing these unguided rockets and they are so much more accurate. Bruz is shooting from like 1-2ks away and missing.

Literally missed everything at 48:50

Missed R-73 at 52:00

Missed dumb bombs at 54:00 Also WTF, they didn't explode?

Completely missed (missile failed) IR guided missile at 1:20:28 . LMAO cut to commercial after it missed.

2x AKASH missiles failed (1 engine failure? other just decided to go to narnia) 2:12:00


LMAO, they use school buses as an icon for "vehicle convoy". Bruh how low budget is this? I swear it looks like they were using clip art for the illustrations.

Question, is the loitering munition used in 1:18:16 an IAI Harop?

Also WTF is up with that target drone bellowing red smoke from its engine at 1:20:02?


I cannot believe I actually watched this embarrassing joke of a "Fire Power Demonstration". Literally 99% of it was dumb bombs or unguided missiles. They fired like 9 guided weapons (Hellfire x2 , R-73 x 2 i think, 1x MICA IR missile, 2x AKASH, 1x "Loitering Munition" and 1x SAMAR) of those weapons fired the SAMAR x1 Missed, 1x R-73 Missed, 2x AKASH failed. They also missed a bunch of unguided munitions LMAO. Also several targets clearly were rigged and blown up manually to cover up their incompetence.

Funnily enough, due to their incompetence, it was obvious to tell the difference from an explosion that came from underground (aka rigged to blow) and an actual bomb. Also They keep on not showing moments before the explosion, I suspect they are trying to cover up their misses with those cuts.

Also those commentators fellating themselves when the missiles clearly failed and the copium from the YT comments saying that "it will not hit because it is a simulation". BRUHHHHH.
Thank you for your service


Registered Member
I can't believe you made me watch that joke of an "arms demonstration" lmao. (more like drop dumb bombs demonstration)


Missed? Griffin LGB at 39:25

I think there was a miss at 39:40

At 43:50 it looks like they rigged it to detonate cause I didn't see and explosions near the vehicle and it detonated before the rockets arrived.

Also at 45:34 WTF was those after explosions that look like they came from underground? Did they manually blow too since the explosions are so different? The initial bomb drops don't kick up a lot of dirt while the second explosion looks like it came from underground (also according to the info they should be dropping normal 1000lbs dumb bombs.)

Bro literally missed literally everything at 47:11 from a freaking helicopter.

Again, miss at 48:22 from a rocket pod salvo, also WTF is that dispersion, I've seen videos of Su-25's lobbing these unguided rockets and they are so much more accurate. Bruz is shooting from like 1-2ks away and missing.

Literally missed everything at 48:50

Missed R-73 at 52:00

Missed dumb bombs at 54:00 Also WTF, they didn't explode?

Completely missed (missile failed) IR guided missile at 1:20:28 . LMAO cut to commercial after it missed.

2x AKASH missiles failed (1 engine failure? other just decided to go to narnia) 2:12:00


LMAO, they use school buses as an icon for "vehicle convoy". Bruh how low budget is this? I swear it looks like they were using clip art for the illustrations.

Question, is the loitering munition used in 1:18:16 an IAI Harop?

Also WTF is up with that target drone bellowing red smoke from its engine at 1:20:02?


I cannot believe I actually watched this embarrassing joke of a "Fire Power Demonstration". Literally 99% of it was dumb bombs or unguided missiles. They fired like 9 guided weapons (Hellfire x2 , R-73 x 2 i think, 1x MICA IR missile, 2x AKASH, 1x "Loitering Munition" and 1x SAMAR) of those weapons fired the SAMAR x1 Missed, 1x R-73 Missed, 2x AKASH failed. They also missed a bunch of unguided munitions LMAO. Also several targets clearly were rigged and blown up manually to cover up their incompetence.

Funnily enough, due to their incompetence, it was obvious to tell the difference from an explosion that came from underground (aka rigged to blow) and an actual bomb. Also They keep on not showing moments before the explosion, I suspect they are trying to cover up their misses with those cuts.

Also those commentators fellating themselves when the missiles clearly failed and the copium from the YT comments saying that "it will not hit because it is a simulation". BRUHHHHH.

YOU! Are what I believe the kids call MVP.

Interesting that many Indians are calling it out at least in the comments. Many, many more of the Jai Hind types that talk down those who even dare mention them.

Lots of talk of proximity fuse and warheads not designed to detonate unless certain components installed which apparently were not due to this being exercise. So on.