Fat chance of that. The French won't transfer 100% of the technology for any modern engine. You can pretty much bet on that.
Maybe for the engine on a Mirage 2000.
You can get them to aid in developing an engine or do joint engine manufacturing where they do the critical components. But not 100% tech transfer of modern engine technology.
This is a major bread earner for them. Rafale has been an export success lately and is still gaining orders. So why would they give the keys to the kingdom like that.
Maybe for the engine on a Mirage 2000.
You can get them to aid in developing an engine or do joint engine manufacturing where they do the critical components. But not 100% tech transfer of modern engine technology.
This is a major bread earner for them. Rafale has been an export success lately and is still gaining orders. So why would they give the keys to the kingdom like that.