Again, don't make some callous statement without providing the document(s) that prove your claims.
I am reading that book written by an archivist/historian who work for your Indian government for 30 years and I even included that on the link for you to watch and read his book. But it seems that you're hell bent on telling a fictionalized history and perceived grievances against China depicting the country as an insatiable monster never satisfied on conquering lands. Such charge is fanciful and contradicts China's vast historical records.
Buddy, the modern state of India has had a head start from China ever since both countries established their modern day versions (47, 49). India has had the support of both the U.S. and Soviet Union. Allowed to take over Goa feom Portugal, using military means, whereas China incorporated Hong Kong with a f..d up arrangement of having ONE COUNTRY 2 systems, when in reality it was 2 COUNTRIES, 2 systems making the transition and integration of Hong Kong into China extra challenging and rebellion inducing culminating with the 2019 attempt at color revolution.
Taiwan is only a contentious issue due to the reneging and lies committed by the U.S. and Japan in handing back Taiwan to China (Please read the Cairo declaration) why do you think then ROC melted to the island of Formosa/Taiwan if it wasn't a part of China in the first place? And why would Japan take over Taiwan as part of their colonial prize in defeating China during the Sino-Japanese War of 1895 if it was not for China to give?
So, no the argument you're making (which is a grave mistake) that India must meddle into the affairs of China's core issues (historical legacy of imperialism and colonialism) as your counter attack against China is foolish, short sighted, and outright insulting. And it was not India's place to meddle into the territorial integrities of China to begin with. What an absurd logic and argument to be made in trying to justify Indian rationale against China. And no, China isn't scared of India, why would China be scared? You need to explain that part.
Funny thing though, when China was growing leaps and bounds economically (that's unprecedented in modern history) have you ever read from the leadership of China top or bottom, including their wealthy elites that China was on it's way to Supapowah status? Yes or No? As a matter of fact, the propaganda attack against China of today is that they have become wolf warrior like (as supposed to being the meekly China) doing away from Deng Xiaoping's "Hide your strength, bide your time."
There's a fundamental cultural difference between China and India. We don't brag and we don't make dumb ass promises or pronouncements that we are a super duper power. What Xi has expressed and his visions for the country such as MIC, dual circulation are the same concept and ideas that Modi have copied for your country but you know what's funny? China's intent no matter how noble and laudable will always be met with envy, scorn, doubt from you people. The attacks from the west are to be expected, but from India? The arrogance and know-it-all attitude smacks of misplaced arrogance which is rather sad.
Very true. All of it. Unfortunately we are dealing with people who create alternate histories and realities for themselves.
One of the most common arguments the Indians make about the border dispute is that ancient India never had a border with Imperial China. That it only had a border with the Kingdom of Tibet. That because China 'occupied' Tibet later, that this border was created. BS! Ancient India never had a border with China, because there never was an ancient India. It was a bunch of kingdoms, not a single unified empire. The kingdoms bordering Tibet under the Qing before the British arrived were many. They include the Kingdom of Nepal, Bhutan, the Burmese Empire, and several other Raja-ruled kingdoms. Hence Tibet was long already a part of China before India ever existed.
Another argument the Indians like to make is that the Eastern border between India and China was negotiated between India and Tibet. Because China was not a party of the negotiations, China had no say on it. Wrong again. It was actually the British Raj forcing their version of the border onto the then local government in Tibet in a backdoor deal, while ignoring the rejection of the Chinese Central government at that time, the ROC. This was known as the Simla Convention. The fact that China was invited as a party of the Simla Convention proves beyond doubt, that Tibet was still recognized as a part of China by the British Empire. When the British Raj backstabbed China later, it was because China was still too weak to do anything meaningful at that time. Again, there was no nation of India during the Simla Convention.
To make this sound even more ironic, the Indians complained that Pakistan gave away pieces of 'Indian Kashmir' to China. It's complicated. But it's safe to say that Pakistan has as much legitimacy on Kashmir as India, because both nations were descendants of the same British Raj.
Indians claimed that Aksai Chin never belonged to China at any point in it's history. Well, the Qing dynasty maps clearly confirmed so. It's just too easy to counter that lie. Again where was India when Aksai Chin was part of China? It never even existed.
Indians claimes that China has an illegitimate claim on AC, AP, and Tibet. All of that is easily refuted with solid historical documentation from the Chinese side, while India had a flimsy one that they got from the British. I would argue that India's claim on the Seven Sisters is even weaker than China's claim on AC, AP, and Tibet. The Seven Sisters once belonged to the Burmese Empire before the British Raj took it. So India is sitting on land that Myanmar has a right of claim to. So if Myanmar wants them back one day, would India give them back? We all know the answer to that.
Indians like to portray the Chinese as living in a fantasy of some 'Middle Kingdom' illusion. That this fantasy makes China to become an arrogant, ignorant, and aggressive expansionist state. That's pure nonsense. The China of today do not indulge in fantasies. The Century of Humiliation was a great lesson for the Chinese to never again indulge in fantasies, and allow any foreign power to push China around. China only wants back territories that it had lost, not new ones. If China was truly expansionist, then China would have gone on to conquer territories from neighbours weaker than India. Myanmar, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Laos, Vietnam, and others would have surely fallen victim. That is not the case today.
The actual case today is that the India is the expansionist nation living in a fantasy of it's own making. The Indian leadership and too many Indians wants to take Tibet, and other parts from it's other neighbours. India is always trying to meddle in the internal affairs of it's neighbours too. It is only because of India's limitations, that it couldn't achieve it's ambitions. That is why Indians always dream of becoming a Superpowa.