No guns didn't stop people dying in Galwan.Hard pass. I much rather take verbal diarrhea from our frienemies of India than to have both sides expend lives which will hardened both countries stance against each other at the Great benefit of the western countries.
I also don't understand why more drones aren't being used to patrol contested areas. This Indian unit should have been spotted and the Chinese unit armed appropriately if they were going to confront them.
The Indians wouldn't try this on Pakistan, an armed group crossing the LoC would be annihilated. They are taking advantage of China's soft stance to win propaganda points for domestic consumption.I second that. The Indians seem to think the LaC is just another LoC that they share with Pakistan and they can occasionally keep flaring up skirmishes and duels. They need to be shown their place
India is not a worthy country to be 'friends' with. They really do have this ingrained sense of superiority due to the caste division. If you look at their pompous foreign minister Jaishankar, you will notice an air of arrogance and know-it-all from the guy. Most urban Indians who are from the higher Brahmin caste like the FM behave the same way. Dismissive, rigid, conceited douchebags. Sadly, most of Indian decision makers come from higher caste and thus view themselves as superior beings not just in a domestic sense but due to their perception of "Supapoowah" version of India, they behave that way internationally too.