I don't know why you guys started mocking me, I don't care much except geopolitics, I am aware of your countries history, atleast around from qing Dynasty overthrow .
India is not what you think that it's a colony of west.
It all depends on who wants more from whom, if china wants more from india then it will step back from border, if india wants more from china then it will comprise , but i don't think india or china wants anything much with eachother we have limited interest but more interest matches with west than china even most of the India's export goes towards the west and china had neve allowed market access for india in IT & pharmaceutical drugs . Things will remain bad or stay as it is . Even hu jintao has told about mallaca dialima that's why your xi jinping started BRi and use gwadar port to bypass indian ocean but near gwadar port is india . China is future will face naval blockade in entire indo Pacific with whole NATO and even india would be there to help that. I don't think pakistan can do much to you because it's already involved in sectarian violance and terrorism so it can't project much of it's power. Well I don't think USA will collapse like what you guys say in forum CBDC will save dollar too. As far as I know china is using border issue to stop the development of indian navy because border rows are diverting resources .
Well I don't know why china says that border clash doesn't define long term goal and they publish headlines like this.
As far as I know, China's win win situation is where china wins twice or asian century from China's mouth is nothing but Chinese century and dominance of china in entire Asia as well as in indian ocean and neighbours where china always try to make anti india government.
Certain things as far as I know is that Chinese look down on india and china is also involved in dumping their products through various countries . Well the way geopolitics is now is that USA is banning high tech product and WTO rule won't stop USA from unbanning it. So that is going to make WTO useless so maybe in few years india also need to ban all those products or atleast we need to buy from country like Vietnam who doesn't block our pharmaceutical and IT industry for trade. Well things are going interestingly in these day , alot of Geopolitics shift is going on and china +1 strategy is already
Creating new alternative supply chain which is not going to be controlled by china this will balance out international trade. China literally grown by downfall of soviet and downfall of japan export due to plaza accord which shifted manufacturing to even china ,SK, taiwan in 80s-90s.