Alien ship ramp lowering?
Scramjet (related to the HSTDV I presume)?
This is a pic of the the cruise vehicle flight article or HSTDV undergoing all aspect RCS tests at Project Orange facility in Hyderabad. The actual HSTDV is being used here. Not a full scale model.Differences between India's "hypersonic" test and China's?
American reports in 2014 indicate several extended range hypersonic flight tests of HGV, setting off the hypersonic race era that we're now passed because it's literally done nearly a decade ago and been in testing and development even longer.
India getting quick desperate to join in on the fanfare between the US, China, and Russia, decides to publish a lot of noise in regards to this and include the word "hypersonic" while it begins hypersonic wind tunnel tests in Israel (seeing as India's own first hypersonic tunnel is still a work in progress while the other three have been using their own for decades).
India finally musters up a low hypersonic (scramjet powered) test vehicle that flew for well under half a minute, an extremely primitive level of development, just to report on it as if it is a finished task. Classic move.
Difference here is China doesn't talk about it and drag attention to it even though the finished weapon with useful range and payload has been in service for years and in development for decades and will show one in-service variant years later only when a statement needs to be made not dissimilar to AShBM demonstrations despite the weapon having been in service for quite a long time already. India talks like it has a finished weapon while it's only started the decade/s long development. Of course bhakts and Jai Hinds need to pretend it's all done and dusted. Meanwhile no single nation formally acknowledges India in possession of maneuverable hypersonic glide weapons (not ballistic missiles and other technically hypersonic weapons).
India's Brahmos II will be Russia's export version of Zircon. This demonstrator if it isn't just a rebranded Zircon, is indeed India's attempt at building a domestic version of the Zircon/ Brahmos II. The race for intercepting and countering HGVs is currently the struggle since India no doubt has or will soon have working HGV weapons which are going to be a lot more effective than Brahmos and the antique anti-ship and anti-surface weapons they currently use that's not Brahmos.
This is the fourth MiG-29 K crash and the second KUB to crash .