how can you prove those are Indian soldiers? When Your only source of authentication is me and my words. While Indian soldiers beating PLA is legitimate since that APC belong to PLA lol
lol sure alright. The APC was the one getting beaten up and destroyed. Not. And the one man being beaten even if he is a Chinese soldier (quite possibly true) what does that mean even? That Indian soldiers are only capable of confronting one man on his own, leaving his vehicle to probably talk with a group of Indians who beat him up. Very super power. India's achievements here, beat up one guy using a group. China's achievement here, beat up at least five soldiers. Your reaction is to make it sound like Indians used magic to drag the Chinese soldier out of his vehicle and also denying the five Indian soldiers. Pretty pathetic for all to see.
I see what you are about now Berserk. Just like your posts on Indian "tech developments" where they were proven to all be either Israeli tech, renderings, and academic papers. There are American academic papers on crazy space time warping technologies. Doesn't mean they even exist in proof of concept forms let alone in service. You are all talk no action. You are after cheap fake victories of feel-good value. Stuff you can talk and brag about even if reality is so very different to your delusions. Whatever. Enjoy your convictions and dwell in your insecurities. It'll only take you to dark places and torment yourself. There's no sense in engaging you with respect or civility since you withhold it for others and continue to insist on your feel good versions of reality. All we can do is show readers where you are wrong whenever you are wrong or attempt to misrepresent reality.
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