So...what is the new date?India delays induction of first Scorpene submarine
It was originally scheduled for delivery in December 2012. has gotten to the point with Indian procurement that when they give you the first must add at least five years to it in order to (in the vast majority of cases) determine when the actual date will be.
These will then be Advanced Talwars?India Considering Russian Shipyard for Construction of Advanced Warship
Those are decent vessels and four more will certainly not hurt.
However, with the Shivaliks and the follow-on to it...and with the new Kamorta Corvettes (which are really Frigate-sized), I thought India was well on its way to building all of its vessels indigenously.
I guess the Indian Navy has the money to spend and does not want to wait.
Apparently with all of the other builds (including Coast Guard builds) the Indian shipyards are chock full.
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