Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Armenia had just received their Akash missile system recently. Buyer's remorse creeping in?
Why tf would someone ever buy this? It's from a country that doesn't even have the consistent qc to make rifles...

Like yes, I understand you can get these "surface to air" missiles at probably the same price as a blowfish drone, but having flashier hardware that you can't count on is worse than having some basic kit that is 100% reliable.

But well many third world countries are completely irrational in procurement, wouldn't surprise me if the deciding reason they were bought is because the officials of Armenia were treated to some supreme street food in New Delhi.


Registered Member
Just a thought but if UAE does indeed cancel its order for 80 Rafales that could present a major opportunity for India. Another 80 Rafales would go a long way to filling IAF's fighter gap.
Of course, even if UAE did cancel, Indian burocracy and politics would almost certainly cock this up.


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Just a thought but if UAE does indeed cancel its order for 80 Rafales that could present a major opportunity for India. Another 80 Rafales would go a long way to filling IAF's fighter gap.
Of course, even if UAE did cancel, Indian burocracy and politics would almost certainly cock this up.
it would also be good for J-10 sales because Pakistan would probably order another 50 and the UAE might order a similar amount.


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Just a thought but if UAE does indeed cancel its order for 80 Rafales that could present a major opportunity for India. Another 80 Rafales would go a long way to filling IAF's fighter gap.
Of course, even if UAE did cancel, Indian burocracy and politics would almost certainly cock this up.

That’s confirmed to be fake news.

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The story was, super stupid tbh.

Closer to F-35 TBH.

Rafale still slinging weapon outside, while 57 can carry most if not all the weapons it intends to carry internally. There is no contest here in terms of radar signature.
As important as LO is, even it is sorta secondary.

Comparing system level b/n rafale (fine 1980s architecture speciman, delayed cold war child) and su-57 (2000-2010s) is sorta nuts.


Registered Member
In defense of the Rafale, it had its electronics upgraded after it entered service. And all their aircraft were upgraded to the later standard. Unlike the Eurofighter. For example they replaced its PESA radar with an AESA.

The main issue it has in terms of sensors is that because it has a tiny nose cone the radar will always be kind of nerfed against other aircraft at a similar technology level.

It also has a really short range clean. So you nearly always see it operate with external fuel tanks. This degrades its available combat payload.
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Registered Member
In defense of the Rafale, it had its electronics upgraded after it entered service. And all their aircraft were upgraded to the later standard. Unlike the Eurofighter. For example they replaced its PESA radar with an AESA.

The main issue it has in terms of sensors is that because it has a tiny nose cone the radar will always be kind of nerfed against other aircraft at a similar technology level.

It also has a really short range clean. So you nearly always see it operate with external fuel tanks. This degrades its available combat payload.
Upgraded electronics isn't equal to a remade system design.
They're sorta planning something similar at f5, but time will tell if they really rewrote the plane (maybe as a sort of step up for fcas), or no.

Also, no, not all. Only a fraction of french rafales are f3r with aesa(just 25 in fact, and this part will reach 75 by late 2020s through replacement f4 units).

Rafale small nose was apparently done on purpose, to ensure best possible angles downward for rafale powerful optronics.

Rafale is already the best multirole plane on the market. No need to make it into something it isn't.
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Rafale small nose was apparently done on purpose, to ensure best possible angles downward for rafale powerful optronics.

This is for carrier landing visibility. Optronics viewing angle is not really matter as Rafale will carry Damocles or Talios pod.

French tho seems content already with 60 cm diameter radar. Although yes it will cap the radar performance.


Registered Member
This is for carrier landing visibility. Optronics viewing angle is not really matter as Rafale will carry Damocles or Talios pod.

French tho seems content already with 60 cm diameter radar. Although yes it will cap the radar performance.
Pods a2a capability is sorta secondary, they can't work as true a2a IRST.
Rafale seems to be able to scan down with its optronic, or at least I recall seeing photo where they seem to track at a negative angle.
Seems to be too good to be an accident, especially since everyone cries about this array size since rafale A.


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It's been reported that India is planning or is in the motion to buy assault rifles from the U.S. and will be purchasing 500 Stryker A.P.C. A news that's not at all welcomed by many in that country since it's foregoing their own domestic brands in favour of yet again foreign military equipments.

With all their talk of Made In India they keep proving their critics that they're just full of hot air.

You can read, see (video interview below) the Indian C.E.O. anguish and extreme disappointment with his government's decision to buy U.S. made rifle instead of actually supporting its own struggling industry.

The editor of this online India news channel came up with another golden excuse that the reason India is buying U.S. military equipment is the need for U.S. Presidential election since the assault rifles (SIG 716) their purchasing are made in New Hampshire - whoever candidate wins N.H. wins the Presidency. What a brain dead comment. Lol

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