Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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They looked at the initial PAK FA prototypes and did not want them.

The story was, super stupid tbh.

The Indian changes for FGFA basically amounts to a new aircraft, which not going to be used by the Russians. You cant have "cooperation" when you ended up having to compromise making a new aircraft with half of the budget on your shoulder which you dont even going to use.

For some reason tho this Russian side of the story seems to not gaining much attraction. AMCA still, doesnt seem to leave drawing boards or even entering CNC mills yet, also engine delivery delay by the US adding more to the insult.

Su-57 is at best a rafale equivalent

Closer to F-35 TBH.

Rafale still slinging weapon outside, while 57 can carry most if not all the weapons it intends to carry internally. There is no contest here in terms of radar signature.


Registered Member
Rafale is not stealth and it has no TVC or super agility. At best it is a competitor to the Su-35 not the Su-57.
A much smaller competitor, with much more limited payload.
F-35 does not have supercruise. Its smaller weapons bays mean it cannot carry long range weapons internally. As for the J-31 it is still not in service yet. Might as well be talking about the Su-75 or something.

As for the airframe being different for FGFA because it would be dual seater, the designers at Sukhoi are still working on a dual seater design in the future regardless of the Indians pulling out. They plan to use it as a drone controller aircraft.

For whatever reason some people seem to think Russia's MIC is dependent on weapons exports. This has not been true for over a decade. Ever since Putin straightened out tax collection in Russia the government has funded by MIC by itself just fine.


Registered Member
They're coming up with budget that's coming out of their ears and behind as if India's economy won't be severely impacted as a result of such spending bonanza. Indians are not serious people period.

I hate ragging on India and Indians in general since I don't want to develop a severe dislike to that country and people because India has a diverse population but, the views emanating from that country especially from their so-called intellectual elites are just pure vomit inducing garbage.

For example: I tried watching this ORF (one of India's prominent think tank) regarding India's increasing role and objectives in the Indian Ocean and it's reorientation of having its Navy patrol the South China Sea. I couldn't finish watching the damn thing because the premise of its presentation is already flawed in terms of its analysis and understanding the wants and needs of the countries in the region - which is to increase the prosperity and economic vitality of each countries people. Yet, the "analysis" present a very one sided view and a comedy at that when they assume that ASEAN countries are going to welcome Indian Navy's involvement and assertiveness in the region due to CHINA's assumed bellicosity and expansionist policies rather than actual economic development and trade that mostly come from CHINA!!!

What these morons laughably claim and goal is India can exert more influence in the region via selling of DEFENSE ARMAMENTS which would obviously only benefit India and not the countries buying their military equipment of dubious quality.

It's one thing for the U.S. to act in such a manner since it's not only a military superpower, but also the biggest economy in the world with unlimited ability to print money like not other country could. But India? What the f...k do they have? They don't want to join nor participate on any multilateral trade agreements to ensure countries in ASIA-PACIFIC will have other options for growth other than China or U.S.

I don't understand how Indians of supposed intelligence can be so hubristic when their current national comprehensive power isn't at all there yet. I keep saying that Indians are not serious people and are highly delusional of the highest order.


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Russia's helicopters all had upgrades after the Afghan War to operate at high altitude. Any combat helicopter in use in that war or designed after the war is like that.

The US made upgrades for the Chinook to operate at high altitude (CH-47F) after they went into Afghanistan. I think the Blackhawk as well (UH-60M). But the Apache was never upgraded. It could only operate in the lowlands at Afghanistan.
Hi, probably USA want Apache only in the role of tank buster and armoured persona, but then again
how will they push Indian to buy blackhawk or UH60 if Apache is able to do all kind of jobs
thank you


Registered Member
I hate ragging on India and Indians in general since I don't want to develop a severe dislike to that country and people because India has a diverse population but, the views emanating from that country especially from their so-called intellectual elites are just pure vomit inducing garbage.

For example: I tried watching this ORF (one of India's prominent think tank) regarding India's increasing role and objectives in the Indian Ocean and it's reorientation of having its Navy patrol the South China Sea. I couldn't finish watching the damn thing because the premise of its presentation is already flawed in terms of its analysis and understanding the wants and needs of the countries in the region - which is to increase the prosperity and economic vitality of each countries people. Yet, the "analysis" present a very one sided view and a comedy at that when they assume that ASEAN countries are going to welcome Indian Navy's involvement and assertiveness in the region due to CHINA's assumed bellicosity and expansionist policies rather than actual economic development and trade that mostly come from CHINA!!!

What these morons laughably claim and goal is India can exert more influence in the region via selling of DEFENSE ARMAMENTS which would obviously only benefit India and not the countries buying their military equipment of dubious quality.

It's one thing for the U.S. to act in such a manner since it's not only a military superpower, but also the biggest economy in the world with unlimited ability to print money like not other country could. But India? What the f...k do they have? They don't want to join nor participate on any multilateral trade agreements to ensure countries in ASIA-PACIFIC will have other options for growth other than China or U.S.

I don't understand how Indians of supposed intelligence can be so hubristic when their current national comprehensive power isn't at all there yet. I keep saying that Indians are not serious people and are highly delusional of the highest order.
Its mostly those Indian elites and middle class who are the people you're complaining about. They are the Jai Hind loincloth imperialists who want to emulate Western imperialism but with their own Indian twist to it. The Jai Hinds liked talking about ASEAN because they have included it within their Akhand Bharat empire. Why ASEAN appeared in Akhand Bharat, I believe its because of the British Raj and British Malaya legacy. Or maybe its because they are just greedy A-holes, because they also want Indochina and Indonesia too. ASEAN mostly interests them as their plaything, not as their true friend.

Again, these people think that India, and by extension themselves belong in the same imperialist club as the West. They believe that China should be below them, ripe for exploitation if not for "cheating". As imperialists they are, they like to pit nations against each other. They wet dream about ASEAN begging for India to come and help them to fight China, buy Indian weapons, and become India's pawn to bleed China. These loincloth imperialists have completely ignored the fact that most of ASEAN trade primarily with China. Why would they fight their most important economic partner? India has a history of screwing trade deals with ASEAN nations, so it is far from an important trade partner for the bloc. The PH is an outlier, because it has a tendency to become an American pawn, and even they are far behind from the more prosperous ASEAN nations.

The Jai Hinds want to profiteer from weapons sales to ASEAN. But most ASEAN nations have already been buying Chinese weapons for decades. Only the PH had bought the Brahmos missile and it remains the weapon system's sole export customer. Others tend to prefer the original Russian Onyx missile. Its not like ASEAN nations are not open to Indian weapons, but why would they choose Indian weapons over the competition? Are they better than Russian weapons? No. Are they the cheapest in the market? No, Russian and Chinese weapons are cheaper. Is their quality any good? Hell no! Ask Ecuador how good their Indian helicopters were. The Jai Hinds think that they are in the big leagues of weapons producers. Yet India still struggles to manufacture service rifles without foreign assistance in the 2020s. The Jai Hinds are a delusional bunch. They think that other people take them seriously when they themselves don't take others seriously.
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The self-proclaimed "Global South" voice and leader looks like it's not going to get Intellectual Property Rights to the jet engine from their new western American master as they had delusionaly assumed.

Damn, they need to get that sorted up... getting the US in a bad mood and they could even cut f404 for the Tejas mk1. Maybe they could beg Turkey to work with them on their future engine at this rate ? Sure that Turkey support for Pakistan and India for Greece could sour things up but who knows.