Indian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Just Hatched
Registered Member

Some good news.

India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border
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NEW DELHI (AP) — India and China have agreed to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of tens of thousands of troops stationed along their disputed border in a long-running standoff, India’s government said.

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar met his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, on Thursday on the sidelines of Association of Southeast Asian Nations meetings in Laos, where they stressed the need for an early resolution of outstanding issues along the disputed
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, the long Himalayan border shared by the two Asian giants.

The line separates Chinese and Indian-held territories from Ladakh in the west to India’s eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, which China claims in its entirety.

Ties between the two countries deteriorated in July 2020 after
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killed at least 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese. It turned into a long-running standoff in the rugged mountainous area, where each side has stationed tens of thousands of military personnel backed by artillery, tanks and fighter jets.

Both India and China have withdrawn troops from some areas on the northern and southern banks of Pangong Tso, Gogra and Galwan Valley, but continue to maintain extra troops as part of a multitier deployment.

This is not long after the Foreign Ministers met:
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Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said that India and China are two countries with the largest populations, and two major emerging economies and ancient civilizations with long histories. Maintaining stable and predictable development of the bilateral relations is entirely in the interests of the two sides, and holds special significance to upholding regional peace and promoting multi-polarity. India and China have broad converging interests and face the shadow brought by the situation in the border areas. But the Indian side is ready to take a historic, strategic and open perspective to find solutions to the differences and get the bilateral relations back to a positive and constructive track.

The two sides agreed to make concerted efforts to maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas, and work for new progress in consultations on border affairs.

The two sides indicated their readiness to strengthen communication within the framework of East Asia cooperation platform, SCO, G20 and BRICS, and jointly practise multilateralism and uphold the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs

Some good news.

India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border​

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This is not long after the Foreign Ministers met:
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Junior Member
Registered Member

Some good news.

India and China agree to work urgently to achieve the withdrawal of troops on their disputed border​

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This is not long after the Foreign Ministers met:
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Sadly I don't think either side trusts each other enough. It doesn't make sense for China unless India and China works out a deal allowing both Chinese apps back in India and giving Chinese companies safeguards around their investments. Another demand for China would be formally solidifying the borders, which India has shown they are not willing to do.

Plus given India's track record, I don't think China will trust India enough to not consider them on the side of the west during a conflict. In India was well, being soft on China is a hard sell to the public given the rhetoric they have been putting out after Galwan skirmishes.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The West has made moves against India for having a slightly more independent foreign policy (buying Russian old, doing a deal with Iran for a port) so it's in India's own interest. US foreign policy has basically pushed every major player together (China, Russia, Iran and India).

China is already India's biggest trade partner, even with the barrier against Chinese apps. I think they're okay with trade going the way it is, as long as security is assured. Trust is always difficult, but it can be built slowly through tangible moves. Reducing troops on the border is the first step to a hopefully fruitful relationship.

I would have said Iran-Saudi Arabian peace, or uniting the Palestinian factions to be impossible too, but they've made big steps in the right the direction.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The West has made moves against India for having a slightly more independent foreign policy (buying Russian old, doing a deal with Iran for a port) so it's in India's own interest. US foreign policy has basically pushed every major player together (China, Russia, Iran and India).

China is already India's biggest trade partner, even with the barrier against Chinese apps. I think they're okay with trade going the way it is, as long as security is assured. Trust is always difficult, but it can be built slowly through tangible moves. Reducing troops on the border is the first step to a hopefully fruitful relationship.

I would have said Iran-Saudi Arabian peace, or uniting the Palestinian factions to be impossible too, but they've made big steps in the right the direction.
I don't think the two sides can reach any real progress until the borders are formally recognized. Until then, while talks and de-escalation does not hurt, I have doubts whether there will be any meaningful impact.

I don't see India compromising on borders given their domestic audience and having not changed their political stance after so many years.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't think the two sides can reach any real progress until the borders are formally recognized. Until then, while talks and de-escalation does not hurt, I have doubts whether there will be any meaningful impact.

I don't see India compromising on borders given their domestic audience and having not changed their political stance after so many years.
I can tell you being an Indian that the govt. will not compromise on the border issue. Modi wouldn't budge even while enjoying a decade of overwhelming mandate. Our elites have huge ego. They recognize that having a large Chinese presence on their borders is problematic(everyone keeps talking about two front war) but they will not stop antagonizing China.

However, if a de-escalation does happen it would be great for both the countries. I still dream of the day when the great Eurasian continental powers unite, it will usher in an age of peace and prosperity never witnessed before. (The Eurasian continent was haunted primarily by nomads and later westerners, the nomads are no more and the westerns are weakened.)


Junior Member
Registered Member
I don't think the two sides can reach any real progress until the borders are formally recognized. Until then, while talks and de-escalation does not hurt, I have doubts whether there will be any meaningful impact.

I don't see India compromising on borders given their domestic audience and having not changed their political stance after so many years.
India needs to re-examine its hydrology surveys to understand where its water is coming from.


Junior Member
Registered Member
From the monsoon rains.
Which ain't doing the job
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India accounts for 18% of the world's population and about 4% of the world's water resources.
India needs China's Himalayan water (eg Brahmaputra) and China's world's best hydrologic engineering before its groundwater reservoirs are emptied and collapse.