It's a shame so much of India still has such unbelievable trust and belief in such a pathetic failure of a man and leader. You could not get a worse leader (and sorry he's not a product of his circumstances) if you actually grabbed a random street vendor and asked him to govern.
Modi had at least one full year to get his act together, organise, prepare, learn! (not just from western propaganda and demagogue tripe), and flatten curves etc. Instead it was self delusion, self congratulatory nonsense, and self declared victories. Again an example of not even bothering to understand the problem, re-inventing the problem in self delusion, and then declaring victory over self-invented problem set while not acknowledging reality and facts. No doubt a more intelligent leader would not have blundered so much. If not Rahul Gandhi, even Shashi Tharoor seems to at least have some genuine intelligence even if most of it is verbal intelligence and character. Modi has nothing.
Yes China's gov conducted arguably overzealous lockdowns and control - it worked. India forced hundreds of thousands of its people to walk thousands of kilometers on feet! with zero gov support and mechanical transportation. No sanitation through the journey and hardly a secure source of water. Any reasonable based person would pick harsh medicine over feel good nonsense every day. Yet Modi controls the narrative in India as tightly as the CCP in China lol the irony.
For the chauvinishts, either Covid was widespread in the world well before December 2019 (which evidence shows was the case in Spain and parts of Europe even as far back as March 2019). Which kind of excuses the outbreaks that eventually were observed once they were measured and looked for. Or while China was openly warning everyone and talking about it in Jan 2020, cases in India were far and few if any. So many other nations had more cases and more problem but managed to contain it and then eradicate infections. The failure to not perform at least as well, rests only on Indian government's performance then. It has no other blame.
By the way, plenty of "whistleblower" doctors and nurses in the US also sounded the alarm before December 2019 in the US of mysteriously high numbers of pneumonia. That's exactly what the Chinese doctor said to friends on social media. He wasn't any more of a whistleblower than those American healthcare workers. It's not like he said that the CCP weaponised SARS and is spreading it. He said there are much more pneumonia cases than statistical norm.